Saturday, October 18, 2014


Religion.... Sex, money, religion... You're not supposed to talk about any of them... But religion has been front and foremost in my mind.... Now I am born and raised catholic.... I went to catholic school for 12 years and I looked at the church as my refuge... My a safe place... I sang in the choir, I lived singing for The Lord.... But then I graduated high school and felt like I'd been kicked out of the church.... I really did... But I kept going to mass... I even brought my hubsband to the church and he converted to Catholicism... I felt like I was back... Then.... In 1997 I had my son and I wanted to have him christened in the church I was christened in, I was married in, and my hubsband was baptized in.... But the church said ,"no... Sorry, but your family are no longer parishioners... So... No dice" I was devastated.... I felt like the church had abandoned me and I left...( sidenote: my son was christened) so I left the church.... It felt like a boundary war... And I focused on my relationship with God.... I got closer. To God than I had ever been....
Now....17 years later.... Hubs is going to a Christian church.... I'm not on board.... I feel FOR ME..... Religion can be a hindrance to God.... Some people get so caught up in the church God isn't the focus.... Catholicism had a lot of restrictions and rules... Giving up meat on Fridays, going to confession,etc.... That's EASY!!!! Loving someone whose beliefs counter yours is hard.... Loving someone who doesn't believe in Gid is hard.... Living honestly is hard.... Religion isn't bad or wrong... But for right now... It's hard....

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