Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In need of Inspiration and some comfortable shoes...

Well as you can see by my outfit today we chose comfort over fashion again... but in my defense.. its like 11 degrees here and yesterday I wore the same shoes and my feet hurt... My three readers know that my evaluation is coming up on March 2 and I can NOT take any time off between now and then... I am thisclose to getting a great eval.... so my feet are going to have to fall in line... 
Today as we all know is What I Wore Wednesday over at, and thats where I go and look at Lindsey, Sarah, and Madeline's outfits and curse my body for being so short and stocky.... but maybe find some ideas!! The problem with my bloggers.. they are all wearing high heels... stop with the high heels!!! My feet are like Chinese foot binding gone bad people!!! I need comfortable shoes!!!
Image result for inspirational quotes for fashion


  1. I feel your pain. I am short and a bit stocky too. I DO not wear high heels. Good luck on your evaluation. Molly

  2. Thank you!!! Its like March 8.. I will keep you updated on my progress!!!!
