Saturday, June 15, 2013

Suzanne was right....

I don' t know if y'all remember.. but a couple weeks ago I had an argument with myself about this comforter..

I told myself that t would be ok.. I could wash it  and even if the dogs dragged mud all over it (which they did) the comforter could handle the stress... well..... I was wrong.... Suzanne was right (my inner voice Suzanne) that comforter is about tattered... I will try to wash it again.. but all the washing I have done has kind of diminshed its wear  and its not the bright shiny comforter from the Country Homes magazine that I envisioned when I bought it... the dog pictured has done MOST of the damage!!! Suzanne said he didn't care about that comforter.... she was right...
so I present... my NEW duvet cover I put over  another comforter and for 12.00 I got a second chance at a nice bed...see what Goodwill will get you...

1 comment:

  1. love the new cover!! Our dog has ruined many of our sheets and comforters!
