A slice of a first grade teacher, wife, and mom...
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Read This Book... Watch this Show.. part 2
This is my first post as a 45 year old woman...#imold....
so over the long holiday weekend (and my birthday #imold) We did alot of movie watching, tv watching, and reading... For some reason, the mosquitos LOVE my hubsband.. watching him try to avert mosquitos is like watching someone having a seizure, mixed with Elaine's dancing and finally he just goes sprinting at full blast for the nearest shelter.... So when I try to drag him outside, its like going into a militarized zone with live ammunition.... Soooooooooooo... I once again have recommendations....1. Humans ok... I promised to review this and I have... Very good!! Very creepy, but good... I am excited to see how this show goes...
2. The Brink on HBO...I watched the first episode of this show last night... I was pleasantly surprised... I really had reservations about this show, but it was really funny... (HBO Sunday)
3. Ray Donovan (Showtime Sunday Night ) Liev Shrieber who is FINE AS HELL is back for season 3... this show is not one I recommend whole heartedly... the reason is the wife.... I dont' know if its her accent or her character, but this character annoys the hell out of me... I'm hoping in season 3 she can get a storyline!!!!
4. Million Dollar Arm: ok... now I know y'all are going to just think this is because of my "Mad Men" obsession... actually it was just the opposite.. I had to see Jon Hamm in something other than Don Draper... Watching this movie made me realize... as much as every cell and pore of my body does not want to go to India, I LOVE movies about India... "Slumdog Millionare" is a great movie... India looks like the worst place on Earth in everything I see... I swear I think I could smell how bad it smells just watching the movie... this movie is the same... but this movie was good.. and its by Disney so its semi ok for your kids....
Now for the books... I am smack dab in the middle of Ruby I picked it because its on Oprah's book club list... its good so far...
So now that the 4th is over, settle in and watch some good TV...
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