Look at this... two blogs in two days!!! Call me Sarah Koening!!!
Ok... I have been out there for my three readers scouring the television stations and book stores looking for entertainment..... I have not come back empty handed....I submit to you... the Good.. the Bad.... and the Ugly.....
1. Sense8...

I started this show on a Tuesday night... I wrangled my hubsband on board and finished it the following Tuesday... This was SUCH a good show!!!!
2. The Chair

(Starz on demand) This is the show started by "Project Greenlight"... its a contest involving two unknown directors given a script and watch how they interpret it.... I have to say.. it really makes filmmaking look horrible... but at the end you get to see both movies and see how they did it differently...
3. Surviviors Guilt

(Starz on demand).. Have you ever heard of this show?? Probably not... but this how is really good!!!!! its 30 mins long 6 episodes a season... so minor commitment... Its funny...
4. True Detective

.. ok I will be the first to admit... I am watching this show for ONE person...

Taylor Kitsch!!!! Look at this FINE MAN... but last week a major thing happened and I am now wildly confused.... but this show is a slow burn....
5. Ballers

Sunday Night HBO...This show exceeded my expection .. Dwayne Johnsen makes the show....
Up for Contention:

HumansSu nday night AMC.... I havent watched this show... but AMC is good with dramams.. I have liked pretty much all of them with the exception of "Turn" and "Halt and Catch Fire"...Review to follow....
The Bad
I really am not happy to report this, because I"ve been hawking this show for so long... but OINTB

OINTB was NOT good this season... the reason?? WAY TOO MUCH PIPER!!!!!! She is the worst character...I had to fast forward through her scenes...This season was NOT a good one at all!!!!
Happy Valley

I tried with this show... I watched like 4 episodes and I felt like it was like Nightmare on Elm Street mixed with Scary Movie.... I just stopped...
I am in the middle of the book, " Girl on the Train"

and I think I will finish it today.... this is a really good book!!!
So there you go... let my sitting on my butt all day watching shows be your benefit!!!!!
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