ok.... last week I said I was going to see about that show "UnReal" on Lifetime.... This show is like "The Bachelor" behind the scenes supposedly.... ok.. I watched the whole season in a binge.... thoughts....
This is the WORST show in the BEST kind of way... allow me to explain.....
We start with the main character... Rachel....

Rachel is the girl who can outdrink any guy... all guys like her because shes a guys girl... low maintence.... looks great with or without makeup... loves sports... blah blah blah... this girl is the WORST!!!! If this is what guys are into... God help us.. this girl is a straight up slut....She has sex with pretty much every guy on the show.... but moving on... so Rachel is the producer of the Bachelor show.. so her job is to wrangle the bachelor...

a British wannabe prince who is only doing the show for a leg up into the winery industry??? ok... of COURSE she has sex with him.. because even though there are 25 other women for him to choose from... SHES the one he HAS to have!!!!
Now.. we also have Quinn...

you will recognize her from "House of Cards:... shes the bitter, weathered executive producer with a heart of coal who recognizes this whole thing as just a machine... all the people are props and there is no such thing as loyalty... the goal is for Rachel to turn into Quinn.... will she??? Thats the question.....
We also have the owner of the show.... Chet....

you will recognize him from his 2 episode arc on "Sex and the City"...

remember him? He had ADD.... ok.. so Chet is the Hollywood exec we've all heard about... coke snorting, masogynistic asshole who can get away with anything because hes... you know... male... so he comes on the set and starts moving the people behind the scenes like chess pieces much like Rachel and Quinn are moving the bachelor and his women around....
Now... being a fair weathered fan of the actual "Bachelor"... I liked this show... its a good binge watch.... if I had to watch it week by week... I'd probably bail... but all in one meal... good way to waste a night...
Also for your consideration....
Deutschland 83

This show is on Sundance channel... now... I thought it would peak my interest because its all in German and has subtitles.... but its hard because I'm trying to speak German while I'm reading the subtitles....and when I say "speak German" I mean say English words with the sch ending.... Moving on.. this show is about the East German/West German relations in 1983.... its kind of like "The Americans" on steroids.....

Rectify is on its 3rd season... only 6 episodes... (sob!!) but I LOVE this show!!! We watch for Teddy...

Teddy is sooooooooooooooooooo screwed up!!! He doesn't even know how screwed up he is..... its fascinating!!!!!
Now.. I finished the book "The Good Girl"

and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!! I LOVED this book... so I started Mary Kubica's new book, "Pretty Baby"

This book is as good as the first one... Mary Kubica is a local girl from Chicago who writes Chicago as a main character... LOVE her books!!!!
So hopefully you will have some spare time to enjoy these things as summer winds down....
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