Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wht I Wore Wednesday.. brought you to you by....
Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Walgreens.... who says you can't get good outfits at Walgreens?? They have the fleece lined leggings for 10.00... the dress is from Goodwill, the blazer originally from Target, at Salvation Army...And of course we are linking up with Lindsey from thepleatedpoppy.com and Sara from tuckerup.blogspot.com... Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday my friends... the horrible month is almost over!!!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Xanax for dogs...
Girrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllll... I know if you hear one more story about my dysfunctional dog you are going to abandon this blog!!! This is hopefully the last one... my dog is sooooooooo shellshocked from his fight... he doesn't growl, he doesn't bark, he is silent unless he cries out in pain... Last night he busted one of his stitches open and I had to put a legging around his neck... and it was pink.. so all his dignity is pretty much gone at this point....He is too scared to sleep on the bed so I put a quilt on the floor for him... he is like half the man he used to be... Can a dog have PTSD?? Well needless to say.. something had to be done... so today I had to give him a xanax... I am desperately hoping it relaxes him and he will sleep most of the day... I KNOW what y'all are saying..." Really Suzanne?!! Xanax????" but if you saw him... it would bring flashbacks to Vietnam.....So hopefully he will be chill today... I hope.....
Monday, February 24, 2014
Good Morning Lovelies... I'm back from the semi dead... If anyone asked me "what animal do you think you are?" I could honestly answer "dog"... my dog has bitten me so many times we're practically related.....his injuries from the fight FAR outweigh mine... (if you look you can see my gross hand) We went to the vet on Saturday and he got stitches and staples all up and through... I'm telling you.. he is his own worse enemy.... so the vet is all,"He'll be asleep for most of the day and night".. NOT... hes like the Hulk... he slept for like a half an hour!!! But I'll tell you... he is shellshocked... thats for sure... Brady is a bit of a diva.. he never slept in a crate, only the bed.. whenever you would try to put him in a crate he would have like a panic attack and start sweating... my other two.. LOVE their crates.. its like their crib.... so this morning.. I go into my room after my shower to see this...... Brady in Cooper's crate... this is a FIRST!!!! I think he was too scared to jump on the bed for fear of hurting himself.... but hes tough.. .he'll get through it.. some advice the vet gave me for future rumbles... he has to wear a harness... that way if he does fight, he can be pulled up and pulled at a place that isn't near his mouth...also, no bones for Colby... they are too tempting for all dogs... if you've ever seen or witnessed a dog fight, it is seriously the most 
horrifying, frightening thing you can experience...the vet said it can't be prevented and it can't be cured... I'm hoping it stays in Brady's memory for a while... but now we heal... we heal.. we start over... hopefully smarter!!!Friday, February 21, 2014
a sad end to a terrible week!!!
Girrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllll.. this horrible month NEEDS to end.... February has been nothing but a big headache.... it has snowed so bad I'm afraid of backing out of my driveway... we have had indoor recess every day of February... my big mirror broke rendering it impossible to take my selfies... I got a ticket.... my dogs got into a huge fight.... I got bitten.. and had to have a tetanus shot...my poor Brady ( who started the fight and bit me) is in bad shape.... you are talking about an SUV vs. a toyota.... I talked to the vet about it and she said it can't be prevented or cured... she suggested putting him on Prozac which I FULLY support as well as a drip of phenylbarbitol....(thats what Judy Garland used to take.. the GOOD STUFF) so the vet said to keep them separated... and the bill for all of this? 783.00......I blame February... it has not been a month of love... it has been anything else.... ONE bright spot... I found this great lamp at Salvation Army... how cute is this lamp?? For 6.00... brightened my day a little....
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Thank God for Netflix...
Friday, February 14, 2014
A Turnaround....
ok Lovelies... my negativity has been turned right around..My hubsband sent me flowers... AT WORK!!!! Is there anything better than getting flowers at work? NO!!! I have worked here for 12 years and this is the FIRST TIME I have ever gotten flowers at work!!!! I am now a happy camper!!! Happy Valentines Day AGAIN my friends!!!! I now have the love!!!!
Valentines Day Massacre...
I need to start this post with I have always LOVED Valentines Day... I really have... I know some people think its a Hallmark holiday...I am NOT one of those people... but this year... this year has been so hard for me to see the love... I always make my husband celebrate Valentines and hes not here.... so I am going out with my son... that isn't bad.. I"m grateful for him.... but the entire month of February has been honestly a nightmare of stress.... my district is in crisis... I am running for union rep or secretary, I haven't decided yet... I still have a mountain of snow in my driveway, and my husband's return to Illinois? hmmmm... good question..... to put a cherry on this great month so far... today I got a ticket!!! in the game of " you think your life is bad?" I'm winning.....Happy Valentines Day my friends!!!! I DO love all of you for stopping by and listening to my rants... this blog is my very special valentine!!!! 
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
What I Wore Wednesday....
Yay!!! What I Wore Wednesday!!! I have had this dress for a while.. it is of course from Salvation Army.. Target reject....Alot of my bloggers out there have been wearing the brown boots over the black boots... I like that look.. the black boots looked a little too matchy matchy... another thing I'm noticing... the slightly pointed toe boots with a slight heel... I think if you have chunky chunky calves like me, this slims it out a little...
I am of course linking up with thepleatedpoppy.com and tuckerup.blogspot.com for Lindsey and Sara's linkups... have a GREAT Wednesday my friends... Friday is right around the corner!!!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
8:14 -8 degrees
The time I left and the temperature outside!!! I know I love snow as much as the next guy.. but winter... I need a BREAK!!!! The snow is so deep and so cold it is making all of us despondent.....As much as I love sitting in front of the fireplace when its a cold night, I HATE fearing my driveway every morning of the snow piles that my car gets stuck in... On top of all that... I cannot seem to get my outfits together this week... maybe I subconsciously picked this because its love for Valentines Day... but really its warm.... Have a lovely day my friends!!!! Stay warm!!!
Monday, February 10, 2014
An average outfit for an average day...
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Five for .Friday linkup
I'm linking up with doodlebugsteaching.blogspot.com for her Five for Friday linkup...
1. Bring on the Valentines spirit!!! Even though my sweetheart is not her for me to love on... I am still trying to spread the love!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014
troubles on top of troubles on top of troubles....
Did you ever have a day that just started WRONG and then got worse?? Thats how this day has gone.... Fridays are nice because we don't have to be at school until 8:55 so I can usually stop and get Starbucks.... so as I'm leaving today I hear screaming outside...I go outside and of course its Casey accidentally hit someone in a MINOR accident... (we're talking not even a fender bender) so it turns out shes got some kind of license issue...(this gal's 19 so.........yeah) but I have to go to work... so I leave her... police are involved... a mess!!!!!!!!!!and I am completely alone dealing with all of this.. as is she.. because I can't take the day off to help her with notice... so I'm bad mom of the year award winner for leaving her and she is at the police station..... I don't know what to do...... I can't do anything until school's over...UGGGGGGGGGHhhhhhhhh!!!!! details to follow!!!!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
My ode to Meryl Streep....
In the movie "Kramer vs.Kramer... Meryl Streep is always wearing these skirts with boots... very 70's... I always LOVED that look... when I was in high school I wore long skirts with boots ALL THE TIME. I have really bad looking legs so boots are my best friend!!!! Today's outfit comes to us care of Goodwill and Goodwill... the skirt, the sweater, and the necklace.... the boots are from urbanog.com... This week keeps getting longer and longer if that s possible... with every passing day, the weather keeps getting colder.... uggghh.... Have a lovely day my friends!!!!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
More feedback...
This New Year goal isn't easy... one of my goals this year was to turn my blog into more of a blog/vlog... so I put up videos... so every time I put one up, I ask my hubsband to critique it... hmmmm.... hes got some critiquing all right... my last one he described as "rambling".... hmmmph!!! so I gotta streamline some of my business..... I do hope you got SOMETHING out of the video... if nothing else... go to foreverin1st.blogspot.com fo some great ideas... and of course... head over to thepleatedpoppy.com and tuckerup.blogspot.com for thier What I Wore Wednesday linkups!!!! Have a wonderful day my friends!!!!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Another Tuesday in winter...
I have to give credit to Amanda again from goatandlulu.blogspot.com for today's outfit!!! She wore something similar last week in her WIWW... a cute tunic with a tribal sweater... love her style....
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Gettin our Valentine's on!!!
I told y'all I would bring the love.... first... I found the creamer at Target can you believe that??? Dunkin Donuts Creamer??? what??? Next up... I got the garland at of course... Groopdealz... I also got this super cute bunting.. but it isn't photographing..I'll try again when its dark....Happy Superbowl Sunday my friends... I have seen two Superbowl commercials so far online and so far so good... I'm a little impressed... but it won't stop me from going to Ross... sorry Superbowl.. but you can't compete with the poor man's Marshalls!!!
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