... and lived to tell about it... Now the technical name for this is endometrial ablation... in case you didn't know... the reason for this was to rid my life of ever having a period again...as my three readers know... I will be 45 in 4 days... 45 is too old to be getting a period!!!! Its over already!!!But my dr.(imagine a little bit older version of Kelly Kapur with the personality to match) told me it would be probably 3 more years to the natural end of the period... so in an attempt to avoid hormones... I went with this option... Heres what it looks like...

the lining of the uterus is like lasered.... now I had to go in for a biopsy before I went in to make sure all was going well with the uterus... then the procedure was a week later... the dialation was NOT fun... but they did give me the GOOD DRUGS ( aka xanax, valium, and a muscle relaxer) so it felt like 2 labor pains....
Now... back to the reasoning for this... to stop menstuation... there was a little bleeding after ward.. but today is day 5 and I think k I'm done with the bleeding....
So I foolishly went to WebMD after the procedure and there is everything on there from, " It was the greatest experience of my life" to " I've had my period for 3 months".... So I am no OFF Web MD... So I don't think I am the standard for what this procedure is, but so far so good.... I'll keep you posted...
Take care of yourself and I hope you are not too uncomfortable.