There is a Starbucks on my way to work that I stop into sometimes.. not always.. but the main reason I stop at this one is the cashier.. she always says, "Hi, this is Jen what can I get started for you hon?".. and she says it like I'm about to get on a roller coaster.. you know like, "Hi, welcome to the Demon!!! Have a Great Day here at Six Flags Great America!!"... so this morning I neeeeded Jen's enthusiasm because it has been a loooooooooooooooong ass week!!! But today is Jack's 16th birthday and hubsband is coming home!! I'm soooooo happy!!! I can see him and we can celebrate together... So I look forward to some lovin and squeezin.... I hope the same for y'all!!! Happy Friday!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
My "I Love Lucy" Teacher dress
Hey y'all.. I got this dress at Savers... it wasn't too cheap.. like 15.00,,,
(like my new photo bomber??)
but I couldn't resist it.. it is SOOOOOOOOOO I love Lucy!!! I wanted to wear it to open house, but we had to wear our school t-shirts so tonight is Curriculum Night... one of the kindergarten teacherss said, " you look like a real teacher!!!" Is that a compliment??? Have a wonderful Thursday my friends!!!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
What I Wore Wednesday...
Black top: Converse by Target
Pants: Thrifted
necklace: Aeropastle
I was lisening to the radio this moning and the word "selfie" was just added to the dictionary... good thing too.. because it looks like allmy pics are going to be selfies... All black today... whatam I mourning? OUtside recess!!! The weather here has been so hot we can't even go outside!!! So my kids are like... WHOOO HOO!!!! LETS GET WILD!! Good thing for today.. I am FINALLY linking up with Lindsey from for her link up... Have a wonderful Wednesday my friends!!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
This is why we Blog...
Monday, August 26, 2013
I do not know how to take a decent picture of myself....
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sit down.. get a cup of coffee... relax... this will be a long one...
ok... many things to tell you.... First... of course what is always first.. my marriage troubles.. ok.. this is what I have learned in the past 30 days....
1. that damn calendar quote always comes to fruition in my life... the quote for the month of August was,
"the only journey is the journey within".... and of course that is the summation of what I have learned... I was sooooooooooooo mad at my hubsband for leaving and taking this job... but now... 30 days after he departed I learned that my anger was really from my own insecurities and and fear of the unknown... I don't want to move that is fact... but if I have to I will be scared... of not finding a job.. of leaving my family and my friends... of the unknown... but my heart tells me that if its moving that is the catatlyst for my hubsband and me being together then I'll have to move... It was the fear... not the the only journey was the journey within...
2. All the time I was trying to be so strong and tough I had people around me the whole time who wanted to help me but I thought they couldn't... its so funny when you drop your defense you see how vulnerable everyone is... so many people really helped me with their words and their concerns.. and mostly... their compassion for what I was going through.. so many of my friends and family told me their own troubles and it helped me to put mine in perspective....
3. Dogs are so great... they never leave you.. if I do have to move my three beasts will go with me and help me....
4. marriage and family come first over everything... over a job... over fear... over depression... over anxiety... my family is a wonderful group and I have to put them first....
and finally.... Retail therapy is a wonderful tool.... here are some goodies I got at Goodwill and Salvation Army over my recent days....
From Talbots... 6.99
6.99 Gap sweater.. look at the cute sparkle shoulder...
4.99 Sweater.. will be cute with a dress...
I was reading this months Redbook... one of the suggestions was to wear one of these little button downs under a sheath dress.. super cute.. I have to keep my flabby arms covered so this will help...
1. that damn calendar quote always comes to fruition in my life... the quote for the month of August was,
"the only journey is the journey within".... and of course that is the summation of what I have learned... I was sooooooooooooo mad at my hubsband for leaving and taking this job... but now... 30 days after he departed I learned that my anger was really from my own insecurities and and fear of the unknown... I don't want to move that is fact... but if I have to I will be scared... of not finding a job.. of leaving my family and my friends... of the unknown... but my heart tells me that if its moving that is the catatlyst for my hubsband and me being together then I'll have to move... It was the fear... not the the only journey was the journey within...
2. All the time I was trying to be so strong and tough I had people around me the whole time who wanted to help me but I thought they couldn't... its so funny when you drop your defense you see how vulnerable everyone is... so many people really helped me with their words and their concerns.. and mostly... their compassion for what I was going through.. so many of my friends and family told me their own troubles and it helped me to put mine in perspective....
3. Dogs are so great... they never leave you.. if I do have to move my three beasts will go with me and help me....
4. marriage and family come first over everything... over a job... over fear... over depression... over anxiety... my family is a wonderful group and I have to put them first....
and finally.... Retail therapy is a wonderful tool.... here are some goodies I got at Goodwill and Salvation Army over my recent days....
From Talbots... 6.99
6.99 Gap sweater.. look at the cute sparkle shoulder...
4.99 Sweater.. will be cute with a dress...
I was reading this months Redbook... one of the suggestions was to wear one of these little button downs under a sheath dress.. super cute.. I have to keep my flabby arms covered so this will help...
I was a little nervous about this one.. but I saw a Banana Republic dress just like this not my size... I tried it on and looked cute.. with boots right??
Friday, August 23, 2013
Friday Friday Gotta get down on Friday
Hey y'all!! Its been a five day work week and I worked every DAMN one of 'em!! To all my teachers out there.. you ROCK!!! I am wearing my "Look What I Got" ( over at they are jeans from Target.. I don
t know if you are aware... but Target has buy one get one half off on the jeans.. so I got these little skinneys... not too bad right... the necklace from groopdealz... Gotta love Groopdealz!!! I hope you are having a good w/end so far... I'm about to go out with my co workers and toast the end of week 1.... it was long... 6:45 am is not pretty!!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
roller coasters, menopause, separation, and of course.. wine...
Now... here comes the down of the roller coaster.... I would reeeeally like to share all of this with my hubsband... but of course.. hes gone... so I'm sharing it with my dogs...... they are the only constant in my life and two of them want to kill each other.. this is some life......
Yesterday was Casey's birthday and I spent the entire day at open house.. now she's 19 so its not like shes looking for me.. but still.... you moms know... so this is the up and down... with all of this up, down, up, down... I swear.. I am getting moition sickness!!!!where is that wine?????
Monday, August 12, 2013
My daughters famous... and I didn't even know it...
Casey sent me this pic of herself that was on Spin Magazine's website... right??? She was at Lollapolooza and took this pic.... look how pretty!!!!
May as well keep posting...

Hey y'all... since I skipped posting for a week I may as well try to make up for my negligence.... I think I post all facts pretty and not on this blog, but lets try to think of something else.. I got this from she put hers up so I stole it (shhhhh)Original posting from
1. This one I scream about all the time... Breaking Bad is my all time favorite show.. now that we are in our final season, I have to scream its praises anytime I can..
2. I have four sisters.. no brothers and I'm the baby.. the baby is the best position... you can pretty much do whatever you want especially in a big family.. my mom was like, "I'm done..." by the time I was in like fourth grade...
3. I love Howard Stern... there are days he gets me out of my bed... just knowing hes there....
his honesty and his way of living inspires me.. I have listened to him every day since 1997...
4. Being a teacher I think the perception is that I love kids... I do not love kids in a blanket statement kind of way.. I like kids on a case by case basis... I can not like a kid at all.. they get a little older.. they become more likable.. Some kids are not my cup of tea... not to say all kids can't learn.. all kids can learn.. all kids are special.. some kids just aren't that likable...
5. I have three dogs Brady, Cooper, and now Colby.. but my favorite is Cooper...

6. I have a belief that when you are married and have kids.. you have to put your marriage above your children.. you have to present a united front to your kids and you need your mate to help you out.. trust me if you have little ones and you think you have to put your kids in front of your marriage.. one day those little ones will be 17 and they will test your resolve.. one way or another... and you NEED that other parent to get you through...
7. The first thing I ever bought for myself
was this print.
as many of you know my hubsband is living in Virginia right now and we are living apart.. we have had a long distance relationship about 4 times in our relationship... the second time we were apart I used my tax money to buy this print.. I always loved it and every time I look at it it reminds me that its MINE...
8. There is something about nuts in food that I HATE... I'm not allergic.. I just hate nuts in brownies, fudge, and especially cookies.. I don't even like nuts in salads...
9. I would never starve if I had bread, peanut butter, and milk
10. and last.... when I was little I used to think the song "Skyrockets in flight" was about fireworks.... when I listened to it as an adult... I was shocked!! WHAT??? one day a little girl hearing "Blurred Lines" today is going to be shocked at what the song is really about....
The Great Table Experiment of 2013-14
View from the back of the room
View from the front of the room.... I don't have a teacher desk... I use the kidney table as my "desk"
Hey y'all!!! I'm back from my blogging hiatus... and here I am.. here is what I've been doing while y'all are out on vacation, having babies, loving on your hubsbands.... I'm chained to this classroom... here it is... I took out all the desks and replaced them with tables.. now school hasn't even started yet and I already know I'll NEVER go back to desks!!! I love the tables... I put a bookcase on the end of each table with three baskets on top for glue (green) pencils(red) and scissors (blue).. on the shelves below I placed another green basket for crayons, a wire basket for binders, a tub for two pocket folders, and a bin for journals... I also have 2 sets of mailboxes.. one for take home notes and finished work.. another for Daily 5 work and unfinished work... so am I prepared??? Who knows!!! I did a school tour of all the classrooms in my building and some are SUPER cute... very pinterested up.... so I gotta deliver.... But I've got some tricks up my sleeve... Glad to be back here on my blog... Love you as always for stopping by!!!
View from the front of the room.... I don't have a teacher desk... I use the kidney table as my "desk"
Sunday, August 11, 2013
in hiding....
This isn't me... but its how I've been the past week... hiding... I went back into school to start getting my room together.. the theme this year? The great table experiment of 2013-14.. I took all the desks out of my room and put in 4 tables instead... The kids in my class last year were hoarders.. I had one who was hoarding barrettes, headbands, barbies, anything she could get her hands on.. another one ALWAYS had food.. I think she was storing a family size bag of Doritos in her desk... PLUS.. they NEVER had supplies!! glue, scissors, pencils.. forget it.. the supplies were pushed to the very recesses of their desks.... so... I put bookcases on the end of each of the tables with bins for binders, glue, scissors, pencils, etc... I will put a pic tomorrow... theres still alot of work to be done...
On my homefront.. same story different day... my hubsband continues to be in Virginia.. I continue to be here.. brooding and growing resentment.... God needs to talk to me because its hard to see all these happy couples around me and be floating here in limbo... Going back to work is good... it gets my mind active... so we are at a status quo right now....
But tonight.... is the NIGHT I've been waiting for!!!!
BREAKING BAD!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... if you do not watch this show... PLEASE stop reading now and go on netflix and watch it from episode 1... you will thank me.. best show on TV hands down!!!!
And girrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllll.. I neeeeeeeed some good TV... I have had to survive on reruns of Seinfeld.... there is nothing on TV... Four Weddings...
has also been good.... I wish I had some recommendations for good tv for the fall... but nothing looks good... this is my bad attitude creeping back into the blog.. I should stop now.. dissing TV?? ugghhh.. thats when you know its bad!!!!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Where is my Happily Ever After?
I actually have this sign in my house... thats why I picked this phrase.... my happily ever after is in very deep peril at the moment... I can't say I know what will happen... This move of my hubsband and his current job is changing my DNA... I feel so sad and angry all the time.. I feel like the person I am becoming is someone I don't recognize... like I'm no good to anyone...everything I believe in is being questioned... are these just growing pains or a test of my devotion to my marriage.. I don't know!!!!I dont' know anything and I feel like I'm shouting SOS from the rooftops and I'm blinded by something... I feel like I'm drowning in my own head... I feel betrayed because I never wanted to live with a husband who was away all the time.. I'm 43... I want someone to be with me... not away from me.. this job will require long hours, many trips lasting 2 weeks to 2 months, and there is a possiblity of being hurt/killed... and this stupid job has been hanging over my head like a black chandelier for 5 years....uggghhh!!! I'm sorry my posts are so melancholy!!! I will try to snap out it but no promises....
Friday, August 2, 2013
Brady update...
Look at my poor dog!!! He looks like he went 9 rounds with Mike Tyson.... He got his teeth pulled today.. three of them... and the reason he looks so bad is because he of course got into a fight on Monday with this hellion...
Another "Look What I Got" Extravaganza...
hey y'all.. its Friday which means thrift store which means we link up with and for their "look what I got linkup!!!!
This week... I was almost ready to call it when I happened upon these two carts that had stuff in them that hadn't been put out yet... so what do I see???
These linked together photographs of Paris... they are soooooooooo cute!!! There were 4 of them and I should have examined them closer because one of the sets ( I got three) had a broken hook... but its ok.. we'll find a place for it... So I rearranged some pics around my house to put these babies up.. .the pics are really nice pics all black and white photography... I've had this pic
sorry about the quality... forever.. I'll never get rid of it... and I also have another Robert Doisneau print in my bathroom... so these fit right in... and for 3.50 each?? not bad...
This week... I was almost ready to call it when I happened upon these two carts that had stuff in them that hadn't been put out yet... so what do I see???
I also went to Goodwill and got this... which is currently selling at IKEA... I got mine for 9.99...
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