This isn't me... but its how I've been the past week... hiding... I went back into school to start getting my room together.. the theme this year? The great table experiment of 2013-14.. I took all the desks out of my room and put in 4 tables instead... The kids in my class last year were hoarders.. I had one who was hoarding barrettes, headbands, barbies, anything she could get her hands on.. another one ALWAYS had food.. I think she was storing a family size bag of Doritos in her desk... PLUS.. they NEVER had supplies!! glue, scissors, pencils.. forget it.. the supplies were pushed to the very recesses of their desks.... so... I put bookcases on the end of each of the tables with bins for binders, glue, scissors, pencils, etc... I will put a pic tomorrow... theres still alot of work to be done...
On my homefront.. same story different day... my hubsband continues to be in Virginia.. I continue to be here.. brooding and growing resentment.... God needs to talk to me because its hard to see all these happy couples around me and be floating here in limbo... Going back to work is good... it gets my mind active... so we are at a status quo right now....
But tonight.... is the NIGHT I've been waiting for!!!!
BREAKING BAD!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... if you do not watch this show... PLEASE stop reading now and go on netflix and watch it from episode 1... you will thank me.. best show on TV hands down!!!!
And girrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllll.. I neeeeeeeed some good TV... I have had to survive on reruns of Seinfeld.... there is nothing on TV... Four Weddings...
has also been good.... I wish I had some recommendations for good tv for the fall... but nothing looks good... this is my bad attitude creeping back into the blog.. I should stop now.. dissing TV?? ugghhh.. thats when you know its bad!!!!
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