When you live in Illinois... the weather is funky about 67% of the time... so we are forced to do one of the following:
1. Go shopping
2. Watch TV
3 Exercise (Not ME.. but others...)
4. Watch sports
5. Read a book
6. Go out for coffee
My favorite is shopping and tv.... some shows for your consideration....
1. The Red Road...
if you watch "Game of Thrones" and miss the Khal... this show is for you... it also has Julianna Nicholson... she was a fav of mine in "Masters of Sex" and "Law and Order: Criminal Intent"... and this show is GOOD!!!! (Sundance channel Thurs. 9:00)
2. Kroll Show
Nick Kroll is the genius from "The League" and now with his show in its second season, he is very funny... you will like this show (Comedy Central Tues 8:00)
3. Bridezilla Boot Camp
the bridezillas are back for season 2.. LOVE this show!! it makes my Friday great seeing other married couples in crisis!!!(WETV Friday 9:00)
4. Lindsey
I had NO intention of watching the docudrama about Lindsey Lohan on Own... but then I watched the previews... Lindsey Lohan strikes me as a hug C U Next Tuesday who doesnt' care about anyone but herself... in the first episode she uses words like,"growth, centered, inner peace," but as we go, she is going to unravel... and I can't wait!!!!
5. The Little Couple
the little couple has adopted this girl from India.. and I know this sounds bad... but I hate this girl... she cries all the time.. even the people at the orphanage were like, " Here you go!!" and then RAN... she is hard to handle... Bill and Jennifer are better than me!! I seriously would have given her back...( TLC Tuesday 8:00)
So look up some of these shows if you havent... good watching...
Have a WONDERFUL weekend my friends!!! Spring is coming!!!
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