ok... during this long weekend (Thank GOD for Christopher Columbus even if he was a masogynistic, bastard who probably killed everyone he saw.. who knows!!)I have been on a documentary binge... I watched the first one. "112 Weddings" about a videographer who went back to some of the couples he was hired to tape their weddings and saw how they were doing now and what their views of marriage was years later... pretty good... I've watched about three from this same documentarian... the next one I watched... Not so lighthearted....

One Nation Under Dog is a distrubing, horrifying, and frightening look at how dogs are put to sleep in shelters... there are many aspects to this documentary.. from vicious dogs who are put to sleep, a couple who loved their dog so much they cloned it, another piece on pet cemetaries, but the part that goes into the shelters is horrifying... I wont' tell you what is shown, but however you think dogs are euthanized.... think again... it is so much more like a holocaust... that is what is happening to dogs... a holocaust... and the ironic thing is... I rescued a dog from a shelter... if you have to bring the dog back for any reason, you will not be allowed to rescue another dog ever... this is cutting off a large population of people who may have been in a financial crisis, a health crisis, or a family crisis at the time they surrendered the dog... the shelters make you sign a contract saying that if for any reason you cannot keep the dog you bring it back to the shelter... and then you are blacklisted... if for some reason one of these people wants to rescue one or two dogs, they will be denied and the dogs will most likely be put to death... how is this acceptable????The volunteers who go into shelters are doing a good thing... they want to help the animals.. but how is euthanizing dogs gotten to the point where it is simply a necessary evil?? Another note: I adopted a dog from a shelter.... that dog was not neutered at the time of adoption... I signed a contract stating that I agreed to neuter the dog... and I did... but how many people simply dont' neuter their dogs??? Why why why are the shelters not neutering the dogs BEFORE they are adopted??? money.. I know.. but how much is it costing to euthanize and dispose of these animals???I am angered at the SHELTERS that are perpetuating the euthaniasia of millions of dogs!!! I know shelter volunteers are going to go off.. they LOVE the animals and are doing everything in their human power to get them adopted... but when you have a person who adopted a dog, then had to bring it back for a legitimate reason, that person will not be able to help the dogs.. so if you fall in that category... where will you go? A breeder.... which as we all know are the puppy mill provider!!! (that is a gross exaggeration btw)...
NOW... I know.... the reason for the stringent adoption laws for dogs is dog fighting and over breeding....I get it... BUT is euthanizing millions of dogs a year better???? I don't have the answers.. I really don't but shelters maybe don't either.... maybe... neuter dogs BEFORE adoption... Let those who have had to bring a dog back to the shelter a second chance... maybe a year probation...
I know this sounds like I'm trying to adopt a dog and are being denied.. I'm not.. but I'll never be able to rescue another dog because I had to surrender my dog because he and my other dog fought so badly and the veterinarian told me that I had to find a new home for one of my dogs... it was a decision I did not make lightly... but I do know that dog was adopted...
I have had dogs all my life.. I don't think I could live without a dog... but rescuing a homeless animal will never happen for me because I gave up a dog... and how is murdering a dog in a horrific way better than giving someone a human a second chance???