Look at this... two blogs in two days!!! Call me Sarah Koening!!!
Ok... I have been out there for my three readers scouring the television stations and book stores looking for entertainment..... I have not come back empty handed....I submit to you... the Good.. the Bad.... and the Ugly.....
1. Sense8... I started this show on a Tuesday night... I wrangled my hubsband on board and finished it the following Tuesday... This was SUCH a good show!!!!
2. The Chair (Starz on demand) This is the show started by "Project Greenlight"... its a contest involving two unknown directors given a script and watch how they interpret it.... I have to say.. it really makes filmmaking look horrible... but at the end you get to see both movies and see how they did it differently...
3. Surviviors Guilt (Starz on demand).. Have you ever heard of this show?? Probably not... but this how is really good!!!!! its 30 mins long 6 episodes a season... so minor commitment... Its funny...
4. True Detective .. ok I will be the first to admit... I am watching this show for ONE person...Taylor Kitsch!!!! Look at this FINE MAN... but last week a major thing happened and I am now wildly confused.... but this show is a slow burn....
5. Ballers Sunday Night HBO...This show exceeded my expection .. Dwayne Johnsen makes the show....
Up for Contention: HumansSu nday night AMC.... I havent watched this show... but AMC is good with dramams.. I have liked pretty much all of them with the exception of "Turn" and "Halt and Catch Fire"...Review to follow....
The Bad
I really am not happy to report this, because I"ve been hawking this show for so long... but OINTB OINTB was NOT good this season... the reason?? WAY TOO MUCH PIPER!!!!!! She is the worst character...I had to fast forward through her scenes...This season was NOT a good one at all!!!!
Happy ValleyI tried with this show... I watched like 4 episodes and I felt like it was like Nightmare on Elm Street mixed with Scary Movie.... I just stopped...
I am in the middle of the book, " Girl on the Train"
and I think I will finish it today.... this is a really good book!!!
So there you go... let my sitting on my butt all day watching shows be your benefit!!!!!
... and lived to tell about it... Now the technical name for this is endometrial ablation... in case you didn't know... the reason for this was to rid my life of ever having a period again...as my three readers know... I will be 45 in 4 days... 45 is too old to be getting a period!!!! Its over already!!!But my dr.(imagine a little bit older version of Kelly Kapur with the personality to match) told me it would be probably 3 more years to the natural end of the period... so in an attempt to avoid hormones... I went with this option... Heres what it looks like... the lining of the uterus is like lasered.... now I had to go in for a biopsy before I went in to make sure all was going well with the uterus... then the procedure was a week later... the dialation was NOT fun... but they did give me the GOOD DRUGS ( aka xanax, valium, and a muscle relaxer) so it felt like 2 labor pains....
Now... back to the reasoning for this... to stop menstuation... there was a little bleeding after ward.. but today is day 5 and I think k I'm done with the bleeding....
So I foolishly went to WebMD after the procedure and there is everything on there from, " It was the greatest experience of my life" to " I've had my period for 3 months".... So I am no OFF Web MD... So I don't think I am the standard for what this procedure is, but so far so good.... I'll keep you posted...
GIrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllll...its been so long since I blogged I figured a proof of life may be in order... here I am channeling my Khaleesi with my Dothraki braids....
I have once again been scouring the internets looking at summer tours... the windows always get me... so when I saw these at goodwill.. JUMPED ON IT... Heres what it looked like before....
This mirror was here for FAAAAAR too long...
I also tried to Fourth of July up my coffee table... I went to Hobby Lobby and got the little pink bird inside the hurricane lamp... It was a mistake.. they had these red fish that would have gone better... I'll go back tomorrow and fix my mistake...
This is the standard position of most of us in the house most of the time...
And when we're not sleeping we're barking at random people in the street who are trying to enjoy summer.....
This is one of my last posts as a 44 year old!!!!:Your girl Pooka is going to be 45 next Friday (7/3... if you are wondering why all the 3's all over the place)... I'll try to live as much while I'm young:)
Hey lovelies.... its Wednesday.. but I will tell you.. my appearance is anything but blogworthy... but my opinionated side is alive, well, and ready to blog...
I was in the car yesterday and this song came on..You gotta be crazy.. now if you listen to the words to this song, " you gotta be crazy baby... to want a guy like me... you gotta be outta your mind....
.. there must be some kind of mistake.. to throw your heart away... yeah you gotta be outta your mind... crazzzy.....
Now I"m trying to picture some guy saying this to a girl... like in words, not song... baby... you gotta be crazy to want a guy like me... when I break your heart and cheat on you.. I'll remind you how crazy you were to be with a guy like me...
Another song, which is a song I particularly HATE... and I mean this is number 2 of my LEAST favorite songs...More than words... now I remember even when this song first came out, I was like, "Who would say this???" . Now that I've tried to talk to you and make you understand All you have to do is close your eyes And just reach out your hands and touch me Hold me close don't ever let me go More than words is all I ever needed you to show Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know...
Are you kidding me???? This is some kind of twisted plea for sex.... He tried to talk to you.. but you're still not understanding... get it together girl.... On the other side of the spectrum... this song by Midnight Oil...
Dead Heart... if you watch the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence".. (its super obscure.... but look it up.. trust me) you will understand this song perfectly... its about how Christians came to Australia and tried to teach Aborigine children English and were taking them away from their parents... I think if you're not Australian you don't understand the lyrics of this song....
Now this song:
Sometimes I run... Sometimes I hide Sometimes I'm scared of you...
ok.. if your girlfriend says "Sometimes I'm scared of you"... I think thats a
bad sign for a relationship....Shes probably dating the guy whose telling her he needs more than words to prove her love...
Now this song is the female equivalent to " Crazy"....Sheryl Crow "Are you strong enough to be my man?".. this song is a great song to just say in words to someone your breaking up with...
Nothing's true, and nothing's right So let me be alone tonight 'Cause you can't change the way I am
Are you strong enough to be my man
see?? Shes like, "I can't change.... you're not strong enough to put up with this...
So what have we learned?? If you have a funky message... say it with a song:).
Since my last day of school on 6/3.. My activites can be described as.... sleep....I LOVE sleep...
I have also cooked every day... go me...But my favorite thing that I now have time to do is decorate... Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllll... I study these blogs like sanskrit!!!!I look and look and look and see what the trends are, I see what I can pull together in my own house, its great....
so I have been scouring the internets looking for blogs that have the summer home tour... I shared those results last time... but since then, I have kicked it up a notch....
Look at me.. .getting my blog up before noon!!! This is my next to last day of school!!! I am soooooooooooooo relieved this school year is over... Like I said in this post this year was pretty good in comparison to other years... My kids were super smart and funny!!!! Although they got on my nerves plenty, they were a good class!! There are some I will really miss... my girl Sienna wrote some hilarious journls... It was something I really looked forward to.... My girl Dani was so enthusiastic when she came to school!!! She was smart and told good jokes... what first grader can tell a good joke??? My boy JR... where to begin??? When I asked someone who left the Cheetos bag on the desk.. he goes,"I'll do it... I'll be a man!!!" Then broke into "Be a Man" from Mulan!!!! He will truly be missed!!! I hope next years class is like this one.. probably not.. different kids.. but I hope I can connect with them like I connected with this class... My first grade class of 2014-15... Go out and see the world!!! Hopefully I helped to make your world a little brighter like you made mine!!!
Good... What is it now? Afternoon??? Swoosh... ok.. onward... I wasn't here on Friday because my son graduated!!!! Yay!!!! No more high school!!! High school is the WORST!!!! you have to get up before dawn to catch the bus, you're always tired... you have to work, it stinks... I am sooooooooooooo happy hes DONE!!!!
So last week was " Summer Home Tour" week all around the blogs... things like this were all up and through my computer....
from easteggstyleblog.com... So I tried and tried and yesterday I literally spent 75% of my day just decorating... I was in heaven.. moving things around, trying to get all summerfied.... so heres what I accomplished...
Lizmarie puts the metal cannister with a plant in it.. inspired!!! I did the same thing....
I got sups inspired by Lizmarieblog to put the canisters in a box like she does... and I got the little planter too...