My three regular readers know the saga of the angel wings... it all started with Danavee over at she got these wings on and I loved them.... so I tried to get some.. but I goofed and got these
instead... not the same thing.. but today I am vindicated......A big thanks to Danavee for turning me onto decorsteals and my beautiful wings!!!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
The most frustrating love story you have ever heard continues...
Well... he made he made it in time for Thanksgiving so this would be called an upswing... but hes leaving again on Sunday... so that will be a downswing... I love this man I tell ya....if I didn't..there would be a crime committed in this house .
..if I could tell you about my Thanksgiving... uggghh... where to begin... ok.. I told y'all my dad was so sad because hes a widower and hes lonely lonely lonely..... and hes getting... a little bitter.... he did not have a good Thanksgiving I know that ...
Thanksgiving is a thankless task I tell you... I made 4 dishes and I was done cooking.. my poor sister had so many people at her house.... whats hard about Thanksgiving is that you have to have a sit down MEAL.... its HARD!!!! I have Christmas Eve at my house and its just can just knosh all through the night... and all the dishes are disposable... I hope y'all had a nice Thanksgiving... I am soooooooo thankful for this little blog and the three people who read you!!!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The difference between a blog and facebook...
hey y'all... no pics of me today... I'm too scuzzy getting ready for what do I do when all the TV's are taken in the house by teenagers? Going bloghopping of course... so on my journeys I find many blogs out there.... the blogs that are true blogs..... here they are....
1.Most blogs I go on usually have an etsy store... an etsy store is a sign of a true blog...
2. true blogs give ADVICE OR TIPS on how to do something... is a good example... she gives a lot of advice on home projects..
3. True blogs reveal all aspects of their life no matter how lovely or awful the aspects may be.... Jod ala mode is a good example.. she put up very cute texts from her and her hubsband.. plus.. she got these sheep a while back and I learned so much!!!
4. a true blog posts something new at least 3x a week....if you go on a blog and their last post was like 2 weeks ago... don't bother...
5. A true blog does not go on and on and on about how wonderful their kids are.... that's what FACEBOOK is for !!!!! your kids are wonderful creatures... but I need some inspiration for my home decorating and what I'm going to wear to work.... No offense... but pics of your kids are not going to help me with that....
A blog is NOT for your vacation pics... again.. that is what FACEBOOK is for... your vacation pics are a reminder what a loser I am sitting home looking at your vacation... I have FACEBOOK to make me feel like a loser who never leaves the house...
A blog is not for your close up pics of flowers, plants, bridges, or lakes... that is what face.. no.. I don't even think facebook is for that... just print the pics and frame them.. take a pic of the whole room.. put it on your blog.. that is acceptable....
A blog is not for pics of your family at holidays... again.. please save that for facebook...... your friends WANT to see your family at holidays... Me? I'm not that interested in your 100 year old grandma... shes of course a lovely woman... but what is she wearing? can I use it as inspiration for What I Wore Wednesday???
And last... the best blogs...(and remember: the views expressed by Suzanne do not reflect the views of the average pookapookapooka reader) have LINKUPS.... linkups are the reason to blog.... love me a linkup.
1.Most blogs I go on usually have an etsy store... an etsy store is a sign of a true blog...
2. true blogs give ADVICE OR TIPS on how to do something...

3. True blogs reveal all aspects of their life no matter how lovely or awful the aspects may be....

4. a true blog posts something new at least 3x a week....if you go on a blog and their last post was like 2 weeks ago... don't bother...
5. A true blog does not go on and on and on about how wonderful their kids are.... that's what FACEBOOK is for !!!!! your kids are wonderful creatures... but I need some inspiration for my home decorating and what I'm going to wear to work.... No offense... but pics of your kids are not going to help me with that....
A blog is NOT for your vacation pics... again.. that is what FACEBOOK is for... your vacation pics are a reminder what a loser I am sitting home looking at your vacation... I have FACEBOOK to make me feel like a loser who never leaves the house...
A blog is not for your close up pics of flowers, plants, bridges, or lakes... that is what face.. no.. I don't even think facebook is for that... just print the pics and frame them.. take a pic of the whole room.. put it on your blog.. that is acceptable....
A blog is not for pics of your family at holidays... again.. please save that for facebook...... your friends WANT to see your family at holidays... Me? I'm not that interested in your 100 year old grandma... shes of course a lovely woman... but what is she wearing? can I use it as inspiration for What I Wore Wednesday???
And last... the best blogs...(and remember: the views expressed by Suzanne do not reflect the views of the average pookapookapooka reader) have LINKUPS.... linkups are the reason to blog.... love me a linkup.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What am I thankful for?
It is NOT a good morning my lovelies!!! It is a crappy crappy day.... My hubsband who is living in Virgina.. texts me he has to work on Wednesday and he won't be leaving until Thursday morning at 5 am... a 12 hour trip on one of the most traveled days of the year.... that puts him in Illinois at 5-6 pm... he will come to my sisters at @7 right when I'll be ready to go home... so I am MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD and told him no to come at all!!!! Is this an irrational reaction to the situation... yes... however... in my defense... this separation S U C K S!!!!! and every time a glitch on the screen happens it just puts me over the edge...he says, "Why are you so mad?" I'm like, "ARE YOU NEW?????"
I'm not right hes not right I'm not wrong hes not wrong... thats why this sucks so bad.... and now I'm arguing with my phone.... is this the beginnning of the end? I don't know... I only know I'm in pain...
I'm not right hes not right I'm not wrong hes not wrong... thats why this sucks so bad.... and now I'm arguing with my phone.... is this the beginnning of the end? I don't know... I only know I'm in pain...
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Best Week Ever...
If you are a teacher this week is the best week ever... Why you ask? Because its only 2 days long... this week is the reward for all those conferences that took 14 days to plan and execute... a free day on Wednesday to make my app's for Thanksgiving... Thank you JESUS I don't have to have Thanksgiving... just make broccoli casserole, artichoke dip, cranberry/orange dip, and Baileys Irish cream... I'm getting off easy!!! if you want a broccoli casserole recipe to die for ... .here it is...
*2 bags of CHOPPED broccoli steamed to soft
lay broccoli in 9x13 pan
*melt half a brick of Velveeta with 1/2 a stick of butter
pour over broccoli...
*crush a sleeve of Ritz crackers into fine crumbs.. mix with other half of butter melted...
place over broccoli..
*bake at 350 for @25 minutes...
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Scenes from a semi weekend
Full on Christmas lights... Date: November 22, 2013... there is no Thanksgiving.. theres Halloween.. only to let us know when its over.. Christmas begins.. disclaimer: this is not my house.
Two of my dogs on the same chair.. actually touching... its like We Are The World... it starts with the dogs...
My attempt to convince my husband that the dogs make the coffee... they are very talented...
Jaim'e Private School Girl... HBO
this Sunday.. 9:30.... if you have not heard of the genius that is Chris Lilley... you are missing something wonderful in your life... he is a comedic genius.. and I'm not throwing that term around ( like the Apple store!!!) he plays multiple parts and they flow so easily you never miss a beat....
I am now 4 episodes in to "Time of Death" on Showtime... it pulls me in every time... what this show has done for me... makes me realize death is a part of life... it is natural... when its your time... you will be at peace or you will be in turmoil.. but the time of death is not up to us... we have to accomplish our goals in the time we have.. last nights episode featured Toni... a black lesbian activist who created "instant recess".. won many awards from PresidentS Clinton, Bush, Obama, wrote many books of poetry.. inspired masses of people.... she was a non smoking lung cancer victim... her partner was so loving and kind to her in her last days and is now trying to keep her mission going... Toni was too young, too brilliant, too talented to die.. but death is natural... it comes to all of us....
Speaking of death.. on another note of it... I am very in to "American Horror Story: Coven"...
Delphine is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.... but I'm starting to like her.... is that bad???? and poor poor Kyle!!!!
if you were like me and had to read "Frankenstein" in high school.. Kyle speaks to you.... he is soooooooooooo sad!!!!! poor Frankenstein!!!!
Iyanla Vanzant is back on OWN to help me do my work in "Iyanla Fix my Life" (OWN Saturnday 8pm)... I need her wisdom every week... Lord knows I got alotta work to do on me!!!!!
And last but not least... of course I went on to look at all the cute blogs out there... and adorable OOTD's... some tips.. and a linkup!!!! score!!!
Two of my dogs on the same chair.. actually touching... its like We Are The World... it starts with the dogs...
My attempt to convince my husband that the dogs make the coffee... they are very talented...
Time stamp on this pic.... 9:45pm on a Friday.... L A M E!!!
To all my girrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllllsss ( and some
guys...) Four Weddings has returned!!! YAY!!!!! LOVE this show.... (TLC Fridays, 9:00)
other shows for your consideration....
this Sunday.. 9:30.... if you have not heard of the genius that is Chris Lilley... you are missing something wonderful in your life... he is a comedic genius.. and I'm not throwing that term around ( like the Apple store!!!) he plays multiple parts and they flow so easily you never miss a beat....
Speaking of death.. on another note of it... I am very in to "American Horror Story: Coven"...
And last but not least... of course I went on to look at all the cute blogs out there... and adorable OOTD's... some tips.. and a linkup!!!! score!!!
Friday, November 22, 2013
The things I have to do just to leave the house!!!
1. get up (GROSS!!!!! 6:45 is ugly people... ugly....)
2 .take a shower..(necessary.... but takes a long time...
3. put on makeup and blowdry/straighten hair ( when I'm putting on makeup.. I try to go somewhere else in my head.. if I look directly at myself and think about it.. I see wrinkles... )
4. get dressed ( usually painless.. unless outfit has not been picked out... then extremely painful...)
5. make bed..(you have to make your bed to start the day... otherwise, the day hasn't really started)
6. wrangle dogs out of room( this is the hardest part... they look so cozy on the bed when I'm not in it)
7. take picture for blog (takes longer than it should)
8. get coffee for the road (NECESSARY!!!!)
9. put coat on (now the dogs are getting suspicious... "is she going somewhere????")
10 put dogs in garage ( don't call animal control... its heated... it has a window... they're fine... )
11. lock all doors
12 actually leave....
This list is EVERY DAY!!! what does yours look like??
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
What I Wore Wednesday....
Today's outfit comes to us care of Target c/o Salvation Army... I did sooooooooo good at Salvation Army this week.... I went to Target and saw these letters...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
one or two part two
number 1 |
number 2 |
Today we have 1 or 2.. I had planned this outfit out at 10:15 last night... so I cannot be held accountable..I like the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" vibe of the t-shirt.. but the blazer I feel is a little short... so I tried the sweater.. Audry Hepburn would not approve!!! So we went with number 1 again...
Monday, November 18, 2013
one or two?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday's outfit on a Saturday
Sweater: H&M
button down: Target
pants: Wal-Mart
I don't know if this outfit is very fashionable.. but it was soooooooo uncomfortable... the sweater was tight... and I found out when I got home from work that a burr was stuck to the back of my bra!!! I was so uncomfortable all day and that was the reason!!! Can you believe that???? I couldn't wait to get home and take this outfit off.... I saw the combination of the cute sweater with the plaid button down underneath and really liked it.. but I'll tell ya.. I hate wearing button downs under sweaters... they pull to the back and I feel like I'm pulling the button down forward all day... I love the look on other people.. but me? I don't know...
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Its amazing what you can find at the grocery store...
Like for example.. these pants... I got these pants at Jewel/Osco for 11.00.. I have actually gotten alot of things at Osco, CVS, Walgreens that are real keepers... I swear.. Osco used to sell bras and the one I got there kept the cousins up quite nicely!! Your boobs are supposed to be between your shoulder and your elbow.. any lower and you're not wearing the right bra... that Osco bra really did the trick... these pants are Hanes jean colored leggings... I love them.. super comfortable.. fit nice... and throw in a bottle of wine and a frozen pizza... I've got dinner, drinks, and my outfit for today!!! 
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Some blog envy as usual....
Its WEDNESDAY!!! Time to link up with thepleatedpoppy.comand and girrrrrrrrrrlll.. I went on both today and these ladies look so cute I can't even stand it... I gotta step up my game I tell ya... I look at these bloggers, Katie from, Bree from, Lindsey from they havea ll stepped it up this fall season... I gotta do the same... I hope you all have a wonderfully fashionable day!!! 
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A Cold Tribute to Veterans...
Good Morning Lovelies!!! Girrrrrrrrrrlllllll.. there is snow ON THE GROUND out here in plains!!! SNOW!!!! but I don't mind it... I like the cold... the only complaint I have is my little puppies have indoor recess... but heres the secret... I went to Big Lots and got a big thing of fake food... these gals are loving every minute of it.... so everyone is amused....
This morning, in honor of Veterans Day our school invited the relatives of students who are veterans in for muffins and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance outside and then the veterans got a chance to speak... it was really moving... the students think of "veterans" as old men... but our security guard, Mr.Mike also came in his military garb... I'll tell you something ladies.. that military garb is sexxxxxxy.... when my hubsband comes back from his National Guard w/ends in his garb... oooh....the man in him is bringing out the WOMAN in me!!!! Happy Veterans Day!!!!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Read this book... Watch this show...
Wally Lamb is my absolutely favorite author.. hands down... and his new book "We Are Water" does NOT disappoint!! In the review I read it said, "You never thought you could feel so much sympathy for a pedophile"... and I didn't... but I do....
Next up... the review for this show said, "Don't watch this show... it will wreck you.. you need to watch this show"... Extrememly accurate description...
Time Of Death on Showtime is a series following a group of critically ill people and interviewing them and their families... I am two episodes in and I am WEEPING!!!!! this should be mandatory viewing you will not want to watch this show. it will wreck you.. you need to watch this show..
Thursday, November 7, 2013
It Ends Tonight....
Good Morning Lovlies!!!! Tonight at @6:45 I will be done done done with my parent teacher conferenences!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! My parents have been really nice and super supportive this year... its not them.. its the time it takes for each conference and the mental energy exerted while its all going on... tomorrow there is no school and I have big shopping on my and cleaning of my poorly neglected house....
Today we are coming to you live from my little first grade bathroom... where.. yesterday one of my little puppies peed on the floor..... so.. the smile is through holding my breath so as not to smell....
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I'm fixin for a linkup!!!
I picked this outfit for this post because it is almost all thrifted... the top is from Goodwill.. the tank is from Salvation Army and the jeans from Goodwill... I am starting a weekly linkup called "Thrifted Thursday"... your whole outfit doesn't have to be thrifted.. just one piece of it... Please join me!!! And tell your friends!!!
What I Wore Wednesday...
This outfit started out differently... like most of my outfits... I originally had wanted to wear this great maxi dress that I got from where? Groopdealz of course.... Groopdealz is the new Goodwill... but I digress... so we had the maxi all set up to go with a cute little cardigan and it is raining like cats and dogs out there... not optimal for a maxi... soooooooooo... option 2... the black jeans with a grey long sleeve t with a heart on it from again... Groopdealz... but it didn't look right... so then we ended up with this outfit... head to toe Target... not bad.. but whenever I wear head to toe black I feel like I'm either in mourning or trying to hide my fat... BUT I am submitting this outfit for "What I Wore Wednesday" over at and happy blogging everyone!!!!
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