10.The Jungle

by Upton Sinclair... I had to read this in high school and then again in college... I reference it all the time and it shocks me how many people haven't read it.... its set in 1919 Chicago in the slaughterhouses and meat yards... it is a glimpse into life before there were child labor laws and FDA....
9. Wuthering Heights

Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllll... Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights is our Rhett Butler... what gal hasn't dreamed of having someone pine over us their whole life....We all do.. admit it...
8. Backroads

Hurry up and read this book before the movie comes out... it is such a rich and complex story.... loved it....

7. The House of Sand and Fog... this was a little movie that you probably didn't see... the book is soooooooooooo good!!! I remember every part of it... it is about how your life can change in a second....

Gone Girl... again.. hurry up and read this before the movie... I literally couldn't put this book down...
5. The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing

this was such a funny little book... it was a super easy read...
4. A Man In Full

SUCH A GREAT BOOK!!!!!! If you were ever curious about horse insemination or life in a mens prison... this book goes into minute detail of both.... but don't read it just for that... the weaving of the stories in this book is genius...

What John Walsh went through in his life is beyond what any human should go through... and when you read it... it seriously changes your life....
2. Misery

I know!!! you're going to say, "But Suzanne... I already saw the movie.. why read the book???" READ THE BOOK!!!! This book was the book that gently brought my cynical heart back to fiction... another book you wont' be able to put down.. soooooooooo much better than the movie!!!!!

1. I Know this Much is True..... whenever anyone asks me for a good book.. I run and go get my copy of "I Know this much is True".... it is the BEST book I've ever read.... now.. when you read it.. the first chapter is a little slow.. stay with it... trust me.. you will not put this book down.....
*Honorable Mention: Shes Come Undone (Wally Lamb), We are Water (Wally Lamb) Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen)
skip the movie!!!!! The Glass Castle ( Jeannette Walls) The Vanished Man ( Jeffery Deaver)
We Were the Mulvaneys (Joyce Carol Oates)