The best things about Fall for a grown up person like me with grown ass kids now all of my bloggers who have little kids weill be like, "apple picking, raking, Halloween, fires,etc..." and those things are good too... but the best best best thing about fall is the TV!!!! FINALLY some new shows for me to talk about... I read this weeks EW(Entertainment Weekly) and read about all the new shows and movies coming out.. this is what I'm looking forward to...
1. The Goldbergs

.. (ABC)This show my be hit or miss.. but I really like Endi and Jeff Garlinn so I think this will be funny...
2. Masters of Sex

(Showtime) I don't know about the plot or the story.. but I hear there will be sex sex and more sex... full frontal, full everything... with my hubsband in Virginia.. BRING IT!!!
3. The Good Wife..last season we ended on a funny note with Alicia moving to partner up with will this turn out???
4. The Michael J. Fox Show

this show has Marie from Breaking Bad in it.. so automatically my Breaking Bad withdrawls will hopefully be met....
and one more thing.. Gravity...

this movie looks scary as HAAALLL... I"m all in...
Have a WONDERFUL week my friends!!!