This week's motivation is purely self preservation... I have these puppies in my room that I am constantly trying to keep on task and prevent them from distracting my class especially during carpet time.. Last year I had a student that was diagnosed with ADD so I put some clay in a ziplock bag and zipped it up.. he would play with it during carpet time to keep his hands busy... well I tried it with my puppies.. no good.. they broke the bag like 3 times.even when I doubled the bag.. sooooo.. we had to bring out the big guns...
the SQUISHIE!!!!!! I went to Party City and bought like 6 of these babies... I told my class that they could buy the squishies with their husky bucks so it looks like a reward and not a way of targeting my puppies... Friday was a success as I laid out the rules...
1. if you're holding the squishie you can't talk, throw it, or give it someone else...
2. squishies are for carpet time only
3. no putting the squishie in your mouth
soooooo... hopefully.. the squishy will keep me sane......
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