Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllll.. I go on ALOT of blogs... and in between I go on facebook... now... there is this thing especially with bloggers that they do that I immediately dismiss... its where they go on and on and on about how great their hubsbands are... they are so funny, so goofy, so silly, such a perfect match for them... the hubsbands probably are all that... but I will most likely never meet them... Now you're saying to yourself, "But Suzanne.. have you no romance??? are you so bitter????"... NO!!! I just hate it when you see this.. it is soooooooooooo sappy!!! your hubsband is probably the greatest guy ever... but what I do LOVE is the struggle!!!! You know that story about Abe Lincoln and how he failed like a million times before he succeeded?? I LOVE that story (Shut up snopes... its TRUE!!!) I could tell you stories about my marriage that would make your toes curl, but I will tell you some of the struggles that we have overcome...
1. When Jack was about 4 hubs got accepted into the police academy.. about 2 weeks in he knew it wasn't the job for him.. he HATED it to put it mildly... when he told me he hated it I'm like, "Are you kidding me??? this job has like good money, benefits, security... huh???" but he had to quit.. he really felt like he was a fish out of water and was he quit and I looked for a job.. it put me in this position of being the sole breadwinner which I resented, but later grew from...
2. in 2004 Chris was sent to Fort Polk in Louisiana for a year... so I was on my own... now.. at first this was a NIGHTMARE!!!! I had to move on my own, find childcare, do everything myself... this also was a time that could've broken us, but I actually found the strength in myself.. I actually learned to LOVE myself and really find what makes me happy..On the relationship side.. when you go a loooong time without seeing each other.. when you do... its really nice... hot.. was like all senses were reawakened... we had this grrrrrrrrrreat weekend in Texas just the two of us... great time!!! We got Brady

while he was away so hes a reminder of the good....
3. For all of you who have little kids... you know.. when your hubsband becomes a father you picture like Pa Olsen... he'll be a rugged man who is also sensitive... he'll be a hero for your daughter... in real life.. notsomuch.. there are times you look at the father of your children and are like, "WOW... I didn't know someone could be so stupid" and there becomes a wall between you and that man and a bond with your child... I think he does with me too.. I think he thinks I coddle too much.. I don't have enough structure.. .. I know I'm not the perfect mom and he probably cringes at stuff I do.. but thats how it is...
4. last year I don't have to tell my three readers what a hard time our marriage went through.. he had a government job in Virginia and was living there while I was here... There were some harsh words, thoughts, and actions let me tell you.. it wasn't until this past September that he was really honest and told me all the things he was thinking before he left... I think the last year has brought out the honesty more than ever.. Now we are on solid ground... things that separated us in the past have now brought us together... bringing up kids, religion, stress, I feel like as bad as 2012-13 was it had to happen or we wouldn't be where we are... Like Abe Lincoln... we failed a million times before we could succeed... to quote Miley Cyrus (forgive me!!!)
theres always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna want to make it move.. always gonna be an uphill battle and sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
it ain't about how fast I get there aint about whats waitin on the other side....
its the climb.....
it really is the climb... and you need a good sherpa for a climb as high as a good marriage will go... hes my sherpa... and to show that we are not ogres with hearts of stone... here is what this man got me for Valentines Day...

Flowers at WORK!!!! He knows the way to my heart!!!!
Happy Valentines Day My friends... I truly LOVE you for stopping by::