I know these pis are jenky... Expect jenky pics for the next 11 days... thats how much time Jack has left of high school... Once hes done, we won't have to make sure he gets his butt up for school.. THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!
Now..onto "Mad Men".... I have soooooooooooooooo many negative thoughts on last nights episode which I don't think I can hide during this recap....
Ok... We start with Sally... back at school talking to Don on the phone... Don, apparently has gone off the grid (again) and is driving cross country in yet another vision quest to find his purpose in life....Hes in Kansas City this time... his car breaks down and hes forced to stay at this no tell motel.... So then we move onto Betty... shes at college, studying to be a psychologist...all of a sudden, she is walking up the stairs and is winded... she falls down and has to go to the dr. because she has a broken rib... the dr. then says he found something more serious and she needs to call her husband... ok... lets stop here.... long story short, Betty has lung cancer... W......T.....F!!!!!!!!!! has "Mad Men" ONCE in this season or last even HINTED at this??? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!now.. you're all going to say the same thing.. "she was a smoker"...
Don't give me that!! I know plenty of smokers.. it would have come on slower and there would have been more signs before it got really bad... and now its totally stage 4, shes got a year to live... if the writers had hinted to this even a little, I wouldn't be so mad... but shes just got cancer, its bad, shes as good as dead....The ONLY redeemable part of this storyline is Sally, who Betty trusts probably more than anyone is put in charge of what Betty will wear...
Back to Don... hes still on his little trip, but he can't leave this little podunk town because his car is getting fixed (looks like someone was watching, "Doc Hollywood") so he asks this bellhop to get him some alcohol in which the guy swindles him out of 10.00... so hes in the town, fixes a typewriter and now hes like the new handyman.... so why doesn't he come to the VFW dinner tonight??? Come on!! It'll be fun... So he goes.... and the only thing to come out of this is a drunken pow wow in which old veterans are giving their accounts of the war and Don tells how the real Don Draper died... he had brought out a lighter while the unit was under fire and the flame from the lighter lit him up... so he took his dog tags...
Now... later that night in his room, the vets he was sitting with come in and start roughing him up because the money collected at the dinner for a fellow veteran has gone missing...(Do we need this ridiculousness??? Do we need to have this side story with ONE episode left??? Do I need to care about these people?? NO NO NO and NO!!!!!)So it turns out the crooked bellhop took the money!!! again.. do I care?? NO!!! I am so diisturbed by the writers treatment of Betty, just throwing cancer at her with NO forwarning whatsoever...
there was also this stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid story about Pete and his wife getting back together, Pete getting a great job offer... WHO CARES??? It was like half the episode!!! It could have been wrapped up in 10 minutes!!!
With exactly ONE episode left in this series... the writers are not giving us enough... I am cautiously optimistic about the ending, but with last nights episode, I need ALOT more!!!!
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