Well.. it had to happen... "Mad Men" ended their series last night..and I have to say... (the opinons exrpessed by Suzanne do not in any way reflect the opinions of others) I was wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiildly disappointed.... This whole week on facebook everybody is commenting up down and sideways that "Mad Men' is not a mystery for us to solve, but a story to be enjoyed.. that is the recurring message I've been getting... stop trying to figure it all out and just go on journey with these people... so why oh why was the ending a huge mystery... Now if you didn't see it.. there were no breakthroughs... Joan's new boyfriend wants her to quit all jobs and basically just be his little concubine while he is occastionally dabbling in cocaine and riding horses.... Joan picks her career... good choice Joan... I have said it before.. any man who can give up those boobs..
has GOT to be an idiot....
Next.... Sally tells Don while Don is apparently working in some garage as a grease monkey that Betty has cancer and the drs have given her 6 months to live.... Don then calls Betty and she tells him she wants her brother and his wife to raise the boys (baby GENE!!! HEs sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!
so don is all like, "no.. I"m coming home..." Betty says no.. she doesn't want to spend her last days on earth fighting with Don.. so Don says ok and in typical Don Draper fashion.... gets drunk, passes out and forgets about these two kids he agreed to help...
so he asks them to drive him to the airport to go to California.... He lands at Anna's (The real Don Draper's deceased wife)house and her niece who, last seen was about 9 months pregnant
and touring the country.... She sees him and asks if this was kind of intervention.. Don asks for booze and she tells him shes on her way to a retreat...They end up going to gether and its basically like a commune, but with therapy...
Back in New York things are pretty much wrapped up... Peggy and Stan admit their love for each other..they are now a couple...
Pete moved to Kansas with Trudie and their daughter in a private jet... just the way Pete likes it...
Back at the retreat... Don and his traveling companion are at a group and its revealed that Anna's niece had her baby with some lowlife, abandoned it, and now is trying to figure out a way to kind of bounce around without raising her child... a theme wiiiiiiildly covered this season (Dawn, Megans Mom, Joan, ) so someone in the group said that her kid is going to be looking at the door every day waiting for her to come home and she knows because her mother abandoned her and she knows how it feels... Niece then runs out of the group crying.. Don goes after her and says, " Thats not true... you can get past this.. I can help..." (translation: I walked out on my kids YEARS ago... I don't even know the little one's name anymore!!)
So niece leaves and the next morning, she takes off.... Don sees that shes gone and he wants to leave, but we're at like a commune and hes going to have to wait @ a week for a cab... so he tells the girl at the counter, "So thats it?? People just come and go? Noone says goodbye???" so he goes outside and uses the pay phone to call Peggy... Peggy is PISSED.
.. "Where are you?? Where have you been???" so Don then gives as much of a confession as I've ever heard him give and says, "I've done so many wrong things.. " and Peggy says, "What have you ever done that is so bad?" so then he goes into all of his wrongs, he divorced two women, he abandoned his kids, he took another mans name and did nothing honorable with it...Then he says, " I just realized I never said goodbye to you... I wanted to say goodbye"... Then Peggy says what we have been waiting and waiting and waiting for Sally and Betty to say, "COME HOME!!! YOU CAN COME HOME!!!"So Don hangs up and goes into a breakdown.... He can't even move... Now comes the part when Don becomes human...he goes to another support group and a guy there goes to speak and says he has felt invisible for years.. his kids and his wife dont' even look up when he walks into the room...He says hes been put on a refridgerator shelf in his dreams and whenever people open the refridgerator they look right over him... This moves Don to tears and he gets up and hugs the man....
After this, we move ahead 3 months... Betty is still alive.. smoking at the table.. Don is still on the resort and doing yoga... Peggy and Stan are
are finally a couple... Joan is running her business out of her house.. Roger and Marie, Megan's horrible mother
are living in Canada....and then we end with this...The coke commercial... NOW... my facebookers out there are telling me that this is supposed to tell me that Don made this commercial after being at the commune....maybe... but it doesn't explain what happened to Sally, Bobby, and Baby Gene... I was so disappointed in this ending... I have no idea what happened... So was this a good episode??? NO!!!!!!!! I've seen so many season enders that really truly moved me... this did not... it angered me..... no more "Mad Men Mondays"..... What will I do now??? Onto " Game of Thrones!!!!!
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