Sometimes when I can't sleep at night I imagine that I had my own reality show... it would have to be one where theres a confessional and I would give the details there... So I was watching the new "Wife Swap" last night and while I was tossing and turning, I was trying to imagine what it would look like... Ok..
* The day starts at 6:45 when the alarm goes off... at this time you will hear a small dog whimpering to get out of his crate...the whimpering may happen earlier, but we're sleeping, so we can't hear it....
When alarm goes off... DON'T get up right away... curse the sun and the alarm for waking you up and question why school has to begin at the brink of dawn????
* Let dogs out and brush teeth/ take a shower... leave dogs outside while this is going on... they will spend at least 15 minutes of this time barking at young schoolchildren who are unfortunate enough to have a bus stop right outside our gate... Sorrry... but once they are done barking, they will need to poop... give them ample time to do this OUTSIDE
*When shower is over, let dogs in and put on makeup, do hair, and get dressed...
*When all ready, get your picture taken for this blog...
*Throw a lean cuisine in your bag and take off
*Once inside the classroom (which will take you like 15 minutes to get to because its in the BUFU part of the school) open your computer and set up attendance on the smartboard...
*Before the bell rings, write blog....
*Once bell rings, walk the mile and a half to the gym to get students
Bring students to room.. try to listen to 13 children telling you stories of what happened to them since you've been apart...
* once your in the classroom.. yell out, "Attendance do your job... chairs do your job... bookbags do your job....
Then sit and check any emails while students are mulling around....
Start asking students, "Are you done?? Are you done with everything???" as they are sitting and talking and NOT working.....
Next, get up and take the class to the bathroom.. avoid the dirty looks you will inevitably get from other teachers because your students will be talking in the hall....and you will try to shush them... they don't care they can read the writing on the wall.. they know there are only 8 days left of school....
When you get home from school your "husband" will ask you what you want for dinner... now you've had to make about 345,000 decisions today... so whats one more???? There will hopefully be something for dinner... then depending on the day you will watch TV until bedtime... the bed will be the sweet relief you need to get through another day...
Now you'll also have a 17 year old to deal with.. he'll need you to drive him to work
You'll also have these two beasts to deal with...
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