ok... while my tantrum is taking a small break....Heres what happened last night....
1. Last week the big kahunas over at McCann told Sc&P that their days at their offices were numbered and they needed to be over at the Time/Life building where they are... I think McCann wants to have a hands on (in more ways than one) relationship with Sc&P...McCann is a juggernaut... it is a conglomerate of many firms and they are BIG and POWERFUL.... The big fishes in the little pond that was SC&P are now tiny little minnows in the ocean of McCann.... So we are moving.. Peggy doesn't have an office ready for her yet and it seems that she doesn't really have a position either... Last week Don made it seem to everyone that they were just moving... not the case... they are moving, they are being demoted, they are being... most importantly... separated...... So Peggy never makes it over the McCann...
2. Don on the other hand is literally greeted with OPEN ARMS!!!! Don is en enigma wrapped in a delicious looking riddle... hes a mystery... noone knows what hes going to say... thats why everyone loves him... and the big guys at McCann LOOOOVE him.... they tell him he will be working on their next big account, Miller Beer (Diet beer aka lite beer) So the head of McCann is just what you'd expect from a corporate exec in the early 1970's... sexist, chauvanistic, dominant, no questions asked.... Don is like his beauty queen girlfriend that he wants everyone to see!!!
3. Now Joan on the other hand is not getting so warm a welcome.... She brought in about 4 accounts to SC&P before McCann bought them out.. she wants to keep handling those accounts and McCann can give her a liason person to ease the transition... this proves difficult from the start...While Joan is talking to her account Avon, the person who is there to help her keeps butting in, acting rude, and asks the man if he wants to go golfing... an uncomfortable goodbye later, Joan tells the blowhard that her account man is in a wheelchair... So Joan reprimands him and he says, "Who do you think you are giving ME orders???" which startles Joan, but she recovers quickly and says, " Perhaps you can read the brief before we make any more phone calls".. to which he replies, "Do it YOURSELF!!"... so Joan goes to his boss, and tells him that the client is not responding to the new person... This boss, a big boss says he'll take care of the whole thing!!!! So later, he goes to Joan in her office, says he talked to the liason and they decided that Ferg
Meanwhile, over at the Miller beer account... the new way of advertising is now in full effect... and heres a news flash... McCann has its own "Don" who can string a story together pretty well... Don goes into a conference room with about 20 guys in it.. no women and gets a box lunch... (oh, when you said roast beef, I thought you meant filet mignon... this is a.... sandwich... in a ..... box.....) so Don sits down at the conference table and begins listening to the person at the head of the table... this sounds hauntingly like Don and then he mentions Wisconsin... Wisconsin... Diana... waitress
Joan goes to McCAnn himself to tell him
Now we are down to 2 episodes.... of course NOW its getting good!!!! Good thing summer is coming.. I'll need time to recover from this betrayal.........
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