Ok... the last episode of season 6 Mad Men was waaaaaaayyyy to good not to comment....
1. I know "Mad Men" is so good at bringing storylines that hit you at your heart and you feel like it was written just for you... so I can't say this was written just for me.. but girrrrrrrrrrrrrrlllllllllll.. I swear!!! I identified soooo much with Don in this episode!!
He reminded me so much of my dad!!! in the scene where he was in the bar and the preacher came up to him and tried to talk him out of drinking... that was my dad... he used to go to a bar about 3-4 times a week, drink 3-4 manhattans and then drive home...
2. How long have we been waiting for Don to drop his mask????
since season 1?? I am so happy to see Dick Whitman!!! I know its not what Sterling Cooper wanted.. but I'm so happy to see you Dick!
Betty was on for about 5 minutes!!! Not enough Betty.. thats for sure....
Sally.... I have given my thoughts on Sally before... she is so wonderfully terrible... but tonight.. just wonderful.... this song....I have NEVER liked this song... but at the end of the episode.. showing Sally and Don
together at his childhood home... it made perfect sense... its like my new favorite song... the person who put this scene together.. THANK YOU!!!!! These last episodes have really been about Sally and Don and their relationship.. What I love is how much Don cares about Sally's view of him.. he knows what its like to have a parent who hates you or doesn't even know you and he so wants to be the opposite of his step mother and father... This season has been Don as a father and his view of himself in his children's eyes.. it has been like looking in a mirror... AMC and Mad Men writers... you have brought 6 seasons together in 30 seconds....
Anyone who Roger fooled into thinking hes just a jovial fellow and harmless... let us not forget he paid Joan to get an abortion 2 seasons ago!!! Roger is a jerk!!! Now he is jealous of Bob and wants Joan to sit home and mourn over him.. thank Goodness Joan is smarter than that and shuts him out....
5. I have also spoken my disdain for Peggy....
not disdain really... more.. confusion!!! WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO BE???? it seems like shes just a slut.... she sleeps with any man who will even look sideways at her.. and her with the married men?? Does she just have low self esteem, low self image, strong self image?? What is it?? She just doesn't like marriage?? She confuses me!!!!
Megan... uggghhh!!! Megan!!!! I have also spoken of my disdain.. and I mean disdain for Megan.... hopefully she will leave the show.. I have had enough of her crooked yellow teeth and her bad acting..
one of the main characters in this episode was alcohol.. the scene where Don's hand was shaking and
Ted said, " Will you have a drink before the meeting? you can't quit all at once"... Again.. my dad went into A.A. in 1977 and I felt like I was watching his life before that time... the drinking at work.. drinking Canadian Club... it really hit a nerve with me and I wasn't even born in that time... for people who were alive. I can't imagine how an episode like this would hit home...
The fact that Don had like a revelation at the Hershey's presentation I'm sure is no coincidence.. I think we are supposed to feel a connection to Don through the candy bar... and the story he told about how Hershey had a school for orphans... it was as sweet as the chocolate...
9. (Spoiler Alert!!!) ok.. firing Don???? BRING IT!!!! Don will reinvent himself bigger and better... and more that Sterling Draper... and replacing him with Duck?? Please....
the fact that I have to wait like an entire year for the next season is cruel and unusual punishment.... This last season was so cohesive and complete it really brought alot of the characters home and brought a richness and satisfaction for alot of the storylines... season 6 was probably the best season I've seen... The best television I've seen.. from the wardrobe to the stories to the continuity... Mad Men has truly delivered television that is worthy of its viewers and has given its viewers the benefit of intelligent story lines for an intelligent audience.. thank you AMC!!!!
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