Good Morning Lovlies!!! Its Wednesday and that is linkup day... Head on over to,, and for their What I Wore linkup!!! I am joining the fur vest revolution!!! To be candid.. this is NOT my first fur vest.. I actually have had like 3 but the first one I had my kids said I couldn't pull it off.. then I got one from Target but it was not long enough... this one is quite nice as it covers all the problem areas most notably, my muffin top and my backside... I actually changed like 3 times before this was deemed blogworthy... I tried a black little dress with black leggings and the boots, but it was too... black.. too... exposing... My girl Amanda from wore the vest like this:
which I really liked so I think it would look cute with a little dress like shes wearing it..

I have also noticed that the little point at the toe of the boot makes my legs look slightly slimmer so that needs to be investigated....
In any case.. the most important message of the day... LINK UP!!!
I love the fur vest. I saw them at Target and I think I have $10 off in Target cards so I think I might buy one. I passed last week but have seen the fur vests all over online this week. Molly