Good Morning Lovelies!!! Today is my last day this week!! Yay!!! and it snowed here yesterday and some of it even stuck... it is soooooooooo putting me in the Christmas spirit! I have been going on these blogs that have Christmas home tours... swoosh.. If I could express how much I love me a Christmas home tour... One in Her house is like my dream house... here are a few examples of her work...

Do you see what I mean???? This woman is making me mental with how cute her house is!!! I found her in a magazine and her blog does NOT disappoint... for inspiration.. head on over... another great one to investigate is her Christmas style is totally unique and shes always got a is her style..

Go on over and get the spirit!!!!
WOW. Pretty. Thank you for sharing the blog info. I will go check them out. Enjoy your last day and have a great Turkey day. :-) Molly