A slice of a first grade teacher, wife, and mom...
Monday, January 6, 2014
Favorite Movie Character Linkup...
Hey y'all.. We are on day three of our 14 day linkup... Today's linkup... your favorite movie character... Here are 14 of mine... not necessarily the whole movie... but the character is the best!!!
1. Rev from "Remember the Titans"... I love Rev... he is so positive... he is one of the reasons this movie is so good..
2. Sister Aloysius from "Doubt"... this character is so good because if you ever went to Catholic School ( as I did) all the nuns had this transparency in their skin.... and somehow they pulled this off in Meryl Streep in "Doubt"... she literally embodied the nuns I had in school... plus.. her hard ass style inspired me!!!
3. Long before she was the evil standard on "American Horror Story".. Jessica Lange played the single mom soap star Julie Nichols in "Tootsie"... I loved her character... she was street smart, but a single mom, had a good heart, but a mixed up love life... she made the movie!!!
4. U.S. Marshall Samuel Gerard in "The Fugitive" was SUCH a great character... he was funny, smart, and not bad to look at!!!!
5. Jodie Foster in "The Accused" is so hard to watch as Sara Tobias.. but respect to the portrayal of a trailer park girl played by a Harvard graduate...if you have not seen this movie.. DON'T watch it!!! its too hard and scary!!
6. I love Randy from "A Christmas Story"... he is seriously my favorite character... he has the funniest lines...
7. Samantha's friend in "Sixteen Candles" does not get enough credit for some of the best lines in the movie... "Geek, can I be honest with you?" "Not if you're going to insult me".. "Ok" "Get the hell outta here!!"...
8. Ursula from "The Little Mermaid" is such a good villain.... her "Poor Unfortunate Souls" is one of the best songs.. "Won't cost much.... just your VOICE"....
9. Dark Helmut from "Spaceballs" is so funny when he plays with the dolls.. I can't describe it.. here it is....
10. This is a two for one... the clock and the candlestick in "Beauty and the Beast".. I love when they come on.. the accents are so good... they are a good comic relief...
11. I need to state for the record that I am NOT a Leonardo DiCaprio fan... the last thing I liked him in was "Growing Pains".... but as Billy Costigan... he was downright sexxxxxxyyyy!!!!! When he got it on with the psychologist... whew!!!! I need to sit down.....
12. Lloyd Bridges in anything is funny.. I LOVE him as Mr. Mandelbaum in Seinfeld.... but in "Airplane" he has the best lines... " Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up cigarettes, drinking, amphetamines, glue"... its a constant in my vernacular....
13 I don't know if you've ever heard of the movie "In America"... but it is the inspirational movie of an immigrant family from Ireland and their struggle in America... and the little girl who plays Ariel makes the movie... if you haven't seen it, watch it!!!!
14. There are so many characters in "Toy Story" to love.. but mine is the dinosaur... I love how hes paranoid about everything and so passionate!!! I love him..
Now its your turn... who is your favorite movie character?
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