As I look at all my favorite blogs... mostly all of them are doing a retrospective of their year... I do this of course in my head...So I decided... to be real blogger.. I MUST show you my year... here goes...

my first blog post ever!!! This night.. I went to Jimmy Johns and fell right on my head on the ice.... that explains alot right??

it is some hard work having a blog... A kid in my class shot this... lesson? When you have a first grader take your pics... you look bad because they're shorter than you...

I had a giveaway to bring in more readers... didn't really work... but made a new friend in Jessica Mallory Scott!!!!
The Easter bunny came to our classroom and left an Easter Egg hunt for my students... wasn't that nice of him???
Contract negotiation come to a fever pitch in May.. we vote... we lose.... no raise... increased insurance payment... an added parent teacher conference (yay!! NOT!!!) an added mandatory professional development time every month (yay!! Definitely NOT!!!) and what did we get in return??? We get to come in 20 minutes later on Friday.... which, to a teacher means... you get to stay an extra 20 minutes on Thursday night to prepare so you're ready for Friday....

The school year came to an end... this group I had... 2012-13... They were fine... but I had a student write a very nasty word (think Ralphie in a Christmas Story.. the f_ _ _ word) on my wall.... yes.. a
first grader wrote that word.. and not little either.. big... and spelled correctly.... I didn't put the pieces together on who it was for about a month...but when I did .. it was like that scene in "The Sixth Sense" when his ring falls off and you realize it was HIS ring.. (no spoilers) it was like that... so anyway... this really affected me because first graders are supposed to be innocent.. they are supposed to be children.... I know.. they lie, they cheat, they manipulate situations and the first graders of today are very sophisticated little beings.. but they are at their heart supposed to be innocent... this incident with the graffiti just kind of jaded me... I'm over it... but it took a while...

it was a bittersweet birthday because I knew my hubsband was leaving for Virginia in a couple weeks... we had our daughter drive us to Naperville for drinks ( see? I NEVER drink and drive!!!) and we just talked over beers aboult the future and how important it was for him to take this job blah blah blah!!!! Good thing I was drunk!!! on the bright side of July.. we welcomed Colby into our family...

this dog is a complete and utter change from the dogs I've had my entire life... and he is by FAR the most well behaved and trained dog... I will always get a rescue dog from now on.....

The great table experiment of es2013!!! I replaced all the desks in my room for tables... 4 months later?? NO REGRETS!!! LOVE THE TABLES!!!! I will never go back to desks... these kids are pack rats and if you give them their supplies... I swear... they may eat them...

I'm getting a little better at taking my own pics now that my hubsband is gone... I even got an app!!!
Casey is now working at a preschool as an aide... its a good job... she is working full time... it is so funny to listen to her bad kids stories... I"ve been telling them to her for years.. its very funny...
Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllll.. I do not need to reiterate the uphill battle this man and I have gone through this year.... . Thanksgiving holiday was NOT the best.... Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday... but the Thanksgiving of 2013... I can forget it....
the last day of 2013... it was a struggle.. I'll tell ya!!!
** I started this blog because of Lindsey over at I LOVE her blog so much and she challenges her readers to take pics of themselves to see if they dress better... but I can now look back and see what I did.. blogging is so great... even if I don't have stellar blogs or more than 5 readers.. I love this blog.... and I love your for reading it!!!!
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