Friday, April 25, 2014


My second installment of letters.....
1. Dear hubsband, I am very happy you are home... even though I act like a beast... I love you very much and I need you here....
2. Dear Casey,
This little inconvenience will be over soon and you will be better for going through it.. this is learning... 19 suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!
3. Dear Cooper,
You are soooooooo cute!!! But you have to CALM DOWN~~~~ every time you hear a fire truck, you don't  have to inform the entire neighborhood!!!
4. Dear Mrs.Bruce's Class, REMEMBER!!! our Map test is on Monday and Tuesday... "Frozen" with popcorn AND soda is on the line!!!!
5. Dear Bed, I cannot WAIT to stay inside your warm covers until like 12:30 on Saturday and Sunday... I miss being with you in the morning....
6. Dear Pookapookapooka readers, I apologize profusely for missing "What I Wore Wednesday"... not because you missed my fabulous outfit of baggy jeans and a shloppy sweater that I wore to hubs. procedure, but because its supposed to be a staple!!! I am committed to WIWW!!!!
7. Dear Jack, You looked so old in your McDonald's uniform.... when did that happen???
8. Dear Summer, I am looking sooooooooo forward to seeing you very soon!!!!

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