ok Mad Men fans..we are now down to ONE episode this season...watching it last night makes me so upset this show is ending....
I feel last nights episode was kind of a filler.. it answered some questions once and for all... like is Bob gay?(yes)... How does Don do his process? (he takes a nap) How old is Peggy?(30) What are Don's fears?(being alone.... having nothing.... contributing nothing)...
But as always with "Mad Men"... so many questions have arisen... and now I am wondering with fervor... what will happen to these characters????? Where will Peggy be in ten years time? That would put them in 1983... in 1983 will Peggy be with someone? I spoke to my hubsband who is pretty new to "Mad Men" and he said he sees her as an executive power house... like an Alexis Carrington... power shoulder pads, big hair,then moving into the Amanda Heather Locklear "Melrose Place" role....

will she still be single? We think Yes... she has given so much to her career and family is not any kind of priority to her as far as being a matriarch... as we saw in last night's episode, family was the main theme... Pete was told he was no longer in Tammy and Trudy's family... at the end we see Don, Peggyy and Pete together as a "family"....
Next question... what will happen to Don and Megan? y'all know I can not stand Megan and I literally hope she gets kidnapped and thats her future... but realistically.... what will happen?? Was it forshadowing that she was on the same plane as Petes realtor in the end?

and of course... what will happen to Joan? Will she eventually find her Prince Charming or will she be tied to Roger in ten/twenty years time? Will she be able to break free of her image as a dumb secretary with big boobs? I think we have really seen the "glass ceiling" in the last three/four episodes.. last week with Betty being told to keep her conversation to toast points... Joan STILL being judged strictly on her appearance and last night with Bob telling Joan shes not going to get any better offer than a gay man who will offer her companionship....

and last night... if you have missed the fact that there is a very clear glass ceiling for Peggy it was highlighted so clearly when Pete said, " Shes as good as any woman in this business"... Not anyONE in this business.... there is a very clear seperation of man and woman in the workplace... From my husband, a mans perspective... he said Peggy can' t have any personal life and be successful in the workplace... women who want to succeed have to give up anything outside of work... when Don said,"Peggy, I'm always working.. so are you"... then Don goes back to his lovely wife cooking dinner for him... Peggy stuck at the office... alone... Seeing it from a man's perspective of this show is fascinating... while I struggle to understand Peggy.. my husband gets it right away... and I now see Peggy as a pioneer for women in the workplace... when you see her frustration and her determination... you see how she has made the way easier for women working today....
Now we only have ONE episode left before next April..... what questions will be brought up next week??? Ugggggggghhhhhhh..... too many to think about!!!!
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