Hey Friends... its that time again.. when we go through 2014 and see what happened....
I took this pic exactly one year ago... January brought the promise of new things.. although my hubs was still working/living in Virginia...
January Cooper turned 3... finally legal!!
My highlight of February... flowers at work on Valentines Day
March brought a leprechaun to our classroom and he left us clues to find him somewhere in the school... We never found him... but we did find some gold (chocolate)
We also balanced an egg on its bottom for the first day of spring...

Brady turned 7... he looks so young....

it was the two year anniversary of my mom's passing.. so we had to see what a fashionista mom I had...

In May I ran (and lost) for union rep... my devotion to the union remains strong!!!!

In June I said goodbye to my old classroom...
July.. moved into my new classroom:)

This was a post that was up for looooong time because I wasn't feeling the blog... I was all," noone reads it.. whatever..." then I get two very sweet concerns for where was pooka?? I'm BACK BABY!!!!

September and another equinox... balanced an egg again on the first day of fall....

A SUPER cold Halloween... glad I didn't have to take anyone trick or treating...

In November I took a break from Groopdealz and made my own banner... I gotta take another break now.. hubs HATES Groopdealz!!!

A new computer for a hopefully even better blog...
Happy New Year my friends!!!! 2015 is going to be awesome!!!!!!!
Busy year for you. Lots happened. It has been 2 1/2 yrs since I lost my mom as well. Molly