Monday, December 8, 2014

Some interesting findings...

Good Morning Lovelies!!! Its Monday again.. and a rainy gloomy one here in Illinois.. but thats ok.. its December... 
I have discovered a new thing to tell you... Have you heard of Serial? 
Serial is a podcast on itunes... its a true story of Adnanwho was convicted in 1999 of killing Wai  and Sarah Koening is a reporter who is going back through the case and the testimony of the trial to see if anything was missed... the whole thing is like 48 hours on the radio... but it is really fascinating.. I'm on episode 4... Great listening if you're doing dishes, cleaning, or driving... 
I went to Goodwill and made out like a bandit!!! 
Now I don't know if my three readers remember... but I have this in green...
and white
 and now in black... is this hoarding??? NO... this is consistency.... I moved the table that was there...
to the bonus room and discarded the little table that was there.. so bring something in.. let something go.... 
BTW... I DID take a pic and had a whole blog planned for Friday... here is the pic...
Here was my outfit... that never made it to the blog... Fridays are BUSY!!! 
Have a wonderful day my friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your Christmas decorations! Your tree is pretty. Where did you get your red coat? Love it. :-)
