ok... over the weekend I mainlined
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... I had heard about this show a while ago and thought I would check it out... heres what I discovered...
1. Very funny gay black man:check
2. Sally from "Mad Men": check
3. Nick Kroll: check
4. Jon Hamm??!!! CHECK!!!!!
I recommend this show especially if you're feeling blue or sick with the flu (ha.. that rhymed!!!)
I wish I could say my weekend was full of fun and folly, but again, alas no... the temperature here has FINALLY gone ABOVE 40 degrees and now its a big sludge snow mess... Until the snow melts, its a mess outside... However... I was WILDLY excited to turn this table...
Cute jacket and outfit and I AM sick with the flu after a weekend trip to LA with my older daughter for my aunt's 90th bday. Came back sick after having younger daugher and husband sick a couple of weeks ago. Maybe I will check out that show.