A slice of a first grade teacher, wife, and mom...
Monday, April 20, 2015
Mad Men Wrap Up
Hey Mad Men fans... and then there were 4... 4 more episodes of "Mad Men"....
As we go, I am trying to devour the blog world seeing if theres something I didn't get or something I missed from an episode... I sometimes agree, sometimes don't with the blog world, but thats nothing new...
Last night's episode was a typical episode... as we go on, the blog world is upset because they feel that as the sands go slowly through the hourglass, nothing is getting resolved... we will be stuck with too many loose ends... they are upset with the last two weeks because we were introduced to Diana a character who proved to be short lived and its taking time away from our core group... I agree completely... HOWEVER... upon reading last nights episode notes... the theme for this half season seems to be "freedom".. that freedom of the 70's... last night Glenn ( who EVERYONE agrees is creepy)showed up with his Greg Brady sideburns and announced he is going to Vietnam... now this is apparently for our "freedom"... but later we find out hes going because he flunked out of school... how sad to think that a kid like Glenn would die in Vietnam, or be scarred like our servicemen were over a bad report card....
Later, Don is trying to be "free" of his apartment.. now that he is free of the hideous Megan he is yearning to be free... but the thing is, he already is... but is he??
The next symbol of freedom came from Joan... she meets an older man( Joan with her daddy issues)and he is "free" from raising kids... so when Joan tells him she has a four year old son, he feels like he can't handle it and breaks it off with Joan (how anyone could let those boobs go, is a mystery to me!! ) so then Joan feels like she has no "freedom" with her son the next day when she inadvertently says, "you're ruining my life!" to her son through the babysitter... Joan doesn't have the "freedom" she once enjoyed....
Now.. more freedom...Mathis is now free of his job thanks to his big mouth... Heres how it works... Mathis (on the left) is the new Don... (what Don was a million years ago) but not as handsome, not as much of a natural liar, not as smart, and DEFINITELY not as charming... so at a pitch meeting, he uses the F word and offends a client.. Peggy and Pete differ on the approach for punishment... Mathis goes to Don for advice... now Don is mans man.... so when dealing with MEN, Don can bs his way out of any situation... so he tells Mathis to BS, or joke his way out of his dilemma... Mathis, not as savvy as Don, cannot really do this and royally Fwords himself even further in a hole. He goes in and blames Don for the bad advice and leaves saying, " You never have to worry, your handsome you don't need anything else"...(remind you of when Peggy told Joan, "Youre a millionare, you dont' have anything to worry about) NOW.... what bothers me about this moment is that Don has experienced this kind of misplaced blame before... this isn't the first time hes heard this... but in last nights episode, he kind of pauses for a minute before he fires Mathis... after he leaves, Don sits down and seems to try to take in what he said... this seemed out of character for him.....
Later.. my girl Sally comes into the picture... Sally is MY GIRL!!!! Again.. the ONLY one who will not and can not ever be fooled by Don's bullshit.... she sees right through it.... when one of her friends starts blantantly hitting on her dad she is so disgusted she looks like shes going to be sick.. then she tells him, "I can't wait to be free of you!!!" another reference to freedom....
Now at the end of the episode, Don comes home to find that his realtor has sold his apartment despite it being a "symbol of failure"... as he walks out the song, "The first time ever I saw your face"... NOW if anyone out there can tell me WHY this song was chosen.. what it means.. PLEASE send me a message!!! I NEED TO KNOW.... I have scoured the internets trying to find the symbolism... I can't.... maybe its coming.. let me know.. please!!!!!
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