ok... Episode 4...... those sands are going toooooooo fast through this hourglass....
ok... This was a great episode because it all took place inside the SCP offices.... those episodes are always the best... the most action takes place.... the story is legit... Now... for those of us a little confused by the hierarchy of SCP...(Sterling Cooper and Partners) Don,(




and Ted

all work at SC&P.... SC& P is owned by MCcann... McCAnn is another advertising agency... they bought them all out last year and our partners made over a million bucks each.... now..... McCann gave the impression that they would just be the older brothers to SC& P.... so our partners were living in a fools paradise thinking they were living on easy street, managing THEIR OWN firm and being millionares as well... well life isn't that easy... we find out right from the beginning that McCann has cut off SC&P's lease... they are moving to the McCann building... Our partners are NOT happy about this... they just went from bosses to..... employees....... no more 3 hour liquid lunches for Don.... no more screwing on the white leather couch for Roger.... so our partners are not happy.. all with the exception of Ted... who, in my opinion is NOT an interesting or deep character in any way shape form or fashion... he pretty much is led around by his penis and makes all decisions regarding his career in that way... he is consistently one dimensional and not at all an asset to the story...
Now... again, scouring the internets... I see we are still upset because this story is moving about as fast a glacier melting and we are coming to an end in triple time... how can all of this be wrapped up in time????? I dont' know... but as with Mad Men episodes of the past, this isn't really a show that answers questions... its much better at asking new ones... so much like we all asked ourselves," What was that????" after the last "Sopranos" episode... I feel we will be asking ourselves that same question at the end of the last "Mad Men" episode.... I can feel the arguments coming and the yearning for more...
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