Thursday, April 2, 2015


Family... its a nice word and big headache at the moment.... I've got extended family issues...To not throw anyone under the bus, my hubsband and his family have been estranged for a long time.. thats his these people have never ever ever sent or even acknowledged my children's birthdays, Christsmases, graduations, etc... that is MY issue.. now I have children that are 17 and 20... what do these now adult  children need to do about this? Do they need to know these people?? Can any relationship be forged?? I don't know... I dont' see it happening... I'm not AGAINST it... but girrrrrrrrrrlllllll.... Casey lives downtown and barely talks to me and I raised her...I actually WANT to talk to her and I can't... 
Thats the thing with extended family... I've got my own core family issues to deal with.. with my hubs out of work he needs more encouragement and support... I dont' have it to give anyone else with my job and my marriage.... so what to do?? 
On a brighter note, today is my last day of school before spring break!!! if you see me next week, I'll be in pjs and NO makeup...or at Goodwill... which I intend to stalk all near me!!! But first, I gotta do my taxes.... 
uggh.... Have a great day today!!

1 comment:

  1. Really cute sweater!!

    I hear you on the family issues, we are also estranged from hubby's family. My MIL said something to my daughter back in Christmas 2009 about her birthfamily (I think I mentioned my daughters were adopted at 4 and 6 and are now 10 and 13) and she couldn't get over it (rightly so) and my MIL refused to apologize at all and pretty much threw my daughter under the bus by not admitting she said it. My husband stuck up for our daughter and we have not seen IL family since 2010. My daughter does not care to see her grandmother either. The only thing that I can say that has changed is my MIL had some health issues in late summer and in Nov. My husband went to see her but then didn't want any more contact. He made that decision not me. I told him I would support him if he wanted contact but he has chosen not to. Now, knowing my IL family I know they blame me but I have let them know in the cards and letters we exchange, that he has chosen no contact so they don't think it's me not initiating it, but really it's him, and I know they won't believe me. They will still blame me. Everyone's family has issues one way or another. I think you should still try with your daughter. I know I fully didn't appreciate my mom till I was in my 30's and then I appreciated all she had been through and done to raise me on my own (parents divorced when I was a teen). As far as contact with your IL family, well that's something that you can leave up to your husband to initiate if he wants. I am sorry he's searching for work, been there when either my husband or myself were laid off and it's hard. I hope he finds work soon. I know how you don't really have energy for anyone else, but I think sometimes that outside support is important and worth it to keep up. Having a special needs daughter (my 10 yr old), people don't always get it and sometimes you are left feeling alone and unsupported. We also need to get our taxes done. Ugh........
