1. Lets review... a blog is NOT FACEBOOK!!!!! FACEBOOK IS FACEBOOK!!!! All of these bloggers have so many pics of their families up on Easter I wanted to throw a plastic egg against the wall!!! Your blog followers could CARE LESS how many eggs your 3 year old found on the egg hunt... that is for FACEBOOK!!!!!! now I'm not going to call anyone out on this obvi... but its all through the blog world.. trust me.... I want to see what you wore on Easter and I want to see how you decorated your house for Easter... short of that... don't care....
2. When you have a blog... you have to do SOME work to make it pretty for your readers... I would think this is blogging 101, but apparently some have not gotten the message... I see blogs with no borders, no clipart, no fancy lettering.. all this is FREE on the internets... just go to shabbyblogs.com or cutestblogontheblock.com... its all there!!!1
3. When you are displaying pics of your outfits, your home, you kids(please don't) your crafts (allowed) or your meal (keep it limited.. this isn't pinterest!!!!) PLEASE make your pics extra large!!!!! These bloggers are putting up pics that look like this:

4.On the opposite end of the spectrum... we have pics like this:

I know these are for pinterest... but the thing with these pics is that I feel like I'm looking at an ad in a magazine... not a real person...
Now here is a happy medium...

So what have we learned today??? Everyone should have a blog... just do NOT include pictures of your kids, your parents, your Easter egg hunts, or your cute outfits so small I need a magnifying glass to see them... K?
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