A bonus post for Thursday.... I watched some new stuff and it was wonderful!!! If you are in need of some good TV.... try this:

"Going Clear" the documentary on HBO about Scientology was FAS CIN A TING!!!!! This was a great look into all the things we don't know and should about this cult...

ok.. now.. I'm a lot late to the party on Friday Night Lights...but I binge watched "Bloodline" and I was on a Kyle Chandeler kick and I had to fix it... so I'm on episode 5.. and I have to say.. Minka Kelly is the WORST actress.... she may look good.. but she can NOT act...but Kyle Chandler.....

swoosh!!! I have loved him ever since he was "Homefront" about a million years ago...
3. Mad Men...

Our beloved Don Draper returns this Sunday!!! I have missed him soooooo!!!!!! I will absolutely be doing a recap on Monday....
4. Impress Me

this show is on that channel Pop... ( formerly known as the TV Guide Channel).. this show has Aaron from "The Walking Dead" and he is WAAAYY hotter in this... hes cute, and can do a Christian Bale impression that will make you wanna see Batman again and again... and then watch "Walking Dead"...
5. Big Time in Hollywood,FL

this show is from Ben Stiller.. he made another show on Comedy Central "Burning Love" which was a spoof of The Bachelor and was hilarious.. this show is a little of that, a little "Workaholics", a little "Stepbrothers"... its funny... (Comedy Central Wednesdays 9:30cst)
If I dont' say so tomorrow... Have a HAPPY EASTER!!!!
Friday Night Lights........Best show ever!!!!!