This post is dedicated to Danavee from "This Vintage Grove"...

A while back she posted this pic..

that she got from Decor Steals... I IMMEDIATELY signed up (Thank you Danavee!!!) These particular wings came and went.. you gotta get up earrrrrrly to get those decor steals!!! So today... these wings came up...

Not exactly the same.. but close enough... so I snapped 'em up!!! got em for 25.00!!! these wings will go over my bed which currently looks like this..
The angel wings will look MUCH better!!! THANK YOU DANAVEE!!!!
oh and btw.. Danavee never posted how she used the angel wings... so go over to her blog and bug her!!!
HAAAAA! What a fun surprise! I love it. You got off wayyyy cheaper than I did.
My wings are still un-hung.
I'm saving them for a someday nursery (above a crib, I think).
that is super sweet... you don't even know how much pinteresting I did trying to find the perfect place to put them... when this "someday nursery" is needed I hope we will be the first to know... I mean.. I did dedicate a whole post to
ReplyDeleteHA! You sure did, and it made my DAY! And when/if the time comes, I will figure out some fun way to let you know! Until then, I'll be excited to see YOUR wings!!!!
Deleteok.. the minute they come.. they are going up ASAP!!