Saturday, July 13, 2013

Some common cures for unusual ailments...

Hey y'all... its summer which brings some unusual ailments to some...
1. Unusual ailment #1... prickly heat and/ or yeast infections... last summer I was itching so bad every time I took my bra off... I'm a 36D and as mentioned in previous entries... my boobs are not ... how would you say?.. perky.... so I am literally lifting my boobs to scratch them... so my sister tells me that's a yeast infection... I'm like, "WHAT???" Shes like, "calm down!! Just powder under I did an informal study of those I knew who were well endowed... and I found this...
One of my friends said she uses this for everything for her kids and it works... so I got it and she was right...
Unusual ailment #2... insomnia... probably not so unusual, but in the school year I have less trouble than in the summer... so I would love to tell you I found this on my own.. but I didn't.. I got this mailed to me....
Dream Water... 17.99
for four.. this is good.. it works... its not like ambien but gentle....
else.. I know all of you pinteresters know all about hydrogen peroxide... but I have found many new uses for it... I put it in my dishwasher with the detergent and it really gets the gunk off the dishes.. I made a concoction of vinegar, dawn clear dishwashing liquid, and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning carpet stains and pet accidents on my floor...  it really does a much better job than any other carpet cleaner I have tried...
So I hope this was helpful... if you are an avid pinterester and have any unusual remedies.. PLEASE comment!! I would love to hear them!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing out loud at the boob story! Let's just say I can relate. But I don't have a sister to tell me these things! Thank goodness you shared! Now where can I get this stuff?

    Teaching With Moxie
