This is Five Things about my marriage.. Why??? Because its my anniversary!!! YAY!!!!
1. When I got married I wanted to be hyphenated... (that sounds like hydrated..) so it was Minnick-Bruce... heres what happened.. I had Casey and her name was Casey Bruce.. but her stuff was always labeled Minnick.. then I said my name was Minnick-Bruce and the nurses would always look at me like, "oh.. its a different last name????.. just how many fathers are there????"
2. I love Mrs.Bruce.. but they also call me Mrs.B.. and NOT because my last name is Bruce...
3. I have never ever ever seen a picture of my hubsband's father... He passed away in 1993 and I have NEVER seen him
4. shocker!! I was pregnant when I got married...
(sshhhhh!!! don't tell Casey...)
5. A normal day in my marriage is as fun and wonderful as any vacation or holiday.. my hubsband is a very good guy... he has a good heart... and he is soooooooooooooo lucky to have me....
***bonus fact... he has never mopped a floor, scrubbed a tub, changed the sheets, or cleaned our sink... so when ppl ask me," Why do you love him so much?".. he has talents in other areas... not housekeeping...
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