Its time for our Student Motivation Saturday with Joanne from
headoverheelsforteaching.blogspot.com She posted a super cute video of her scan ticket motivation... Mine isn't as animated.. sorry...
To build classroom team building in my class we do "Warm fuzzies" every Friday to finish the week... this is the easiest thing in the world to do.. but it will really warm your heart and you can do this k-8th grade... so I have this can of popsicle sticks..

.. everyone picks a name.. now.. my first grade scammers like to pick the same person every week.. aka.. their friend... so we pass the can around and all count..1 2 3 PASS!!!! they get three seconds to pick a name... then everyone gets a pom pom

they like the black, green, blue ones especially the boys.. its more masculine... then.. we pass around a nerf ball

the nerf ball is the most critical part of warm fuzzies... because... you can't talk unless you're holding the nerf ball... therefore.. everyone can speak one at a time and not be interrupted.....so we go around the circle clockwise and give a warm fuzzy compliment to the person we picked.. the first week we did it in 1st grade.. everyone said, " you're my best friend in the whole world".. then they said, " Who does it go to?" so the compliments.. although nice.. not very sincere.. but now.. in April... we have warm fuzzies that sound like this, "Ariyanna, I really liked how you did your project and you did a good job as door holder"...
then they give that person their fuzzy... it is really a great way to send these little beasts(I say that as a term of endearment) on their weekend....
That is such a sweet idea Suzanne! I love it! And, how funny, 1st grade scammers!! 4th graders would try this too! Thanks for the sweet words about my post! Thanks for linking up!
Head Over Heels For Teaching
I love your lineups!!! I get so many ideas!!