1. (don't you like how I keep writing my posts as lists....and the lists are about the most ridiculous things too..)
ok.. ah hem.. onward.... I HATE Heather!!! Why is she on this show!!!! She has the dumbest drama... last season when she was ranting and raving about her stupid cake??!?!?!?!? at her stuuuuuuupid party celebrating her last name?!?!?!?!?!? F off!!!!!!!
2. Love me some Vicki!!!! I have loved Vicki since season 1 when that bitch was talking about how her first husband abused her and she was counseling Laurie about her inmate son...
3. Brianna's baby is sooooooooooo cute!!! Why can't Casey
become a teen mom??? (kidding.. not really.. have you ever seen a baby in baby uggs???)
4. Laurie coming back!!! Laurie is someone I love to hate... Laurie acts like her life is all peaches and cream.. but let us not forget.. her son was going to jail loooong before Tamra's train wreck family came into the picture... so even though Laurie is married to a bajillionare.... she has troubles.. I have to remember that.. and let us not forget again.. she dated Slade.... so her life has to be in shambles just because I'm sure he at least gave her genital warts or herpes....grooooooossssss
5. Alexis... I will say... I am soooooooooo glad this troupe is FINALLY getting rid of the dreaded extensions!!!!! Tamra.. take a hint.... get rid of the extensions!!! Alexis looks sooooo much better... Alexis is the prettiest housewife... but her haircut makes her more tolerable in terms of personality....
6. Gretchen.... her most redeemable quality is her relationship with her dogs.... other than that.. fake drama....
7. Jim... uggghh... Jim... GO AWAY!!!!!!!
8. Does Eddie have hair plugs or what??? that hair looks like Ernie from Seseme Street....
9. Brianna's hubsband.... raaaaaahhrrrrr... good lookin!!!
10. How long before this new gal is talking about HER facelift????
This was fun... I will give my 10 opinions about RHOC every Sunday!!!
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