but I must write another
list!!! I have watched "The Real Housewives of OC"... and I have
1. What in God's name is going on with Tamra's boobs?????

Girl needs a lift or a tuck or a patch... something....
2. Heather... grrrrrrrrr...I can NOT STAND HEATHER!!!!!S T F U!!!! her and that Terry useless husband of hers.. and their brat daughter... who cares!!!!
3. Alexis' hair looks soooooooooo cute!!!
4. This new OC gal.. Lydia... girl got some TEETH!!!

thats like all I see when shes on screen... then we move onto the hair... now I know these are not the
extensions....but still... what is this? like an LIlley from "The Munsters" contest?

5. Ugghhh.. Brianna... MOVE OUT!!!!

Vicki is so messed up... her stupid "love tank" can go up in flames for all I care... move out and build a life for yourself and your family... you can still be on RHOC... you will be more interesting!!!
6. No Gretchen this week? Do I miss her? H E L L no!!!!!!! I miss her dogs more than I could ever miss her...
7. highlights from next week show Alexis saying to Tamra, "Don't touch me!"... can not wait!!!
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